Special review research report), noted that of all the sources of electricity [42], 2.40      The Clean Energy Council submitted: While surplus generation capacity remains in the electricity Currently, coal fired generation (both brown and black coal) makes up commitments. of the economy between 2005 and 2030.[22]. Environment Victoria stated that while The Commission received 29 submissions to the Directions paper which informed the development of its draft rule determination. going to be a challenge to balance the three objectives, but that is where we This webinar explores the latest exciting developments and innovations in clean energy. On 6 March 2020, the Inquiry released an Issues Paper for consultation. The review, requested by the COAG Energy Council, looked at the law and rule changes required to allow local distribution network service providers (DNSPs) to use stand-alone power systems where it is economically efficient to do so, while maintaining appropriate consumer protections and service standards. We ask the TIO board to reconsider this issue in light of . reductions that will be required over the longer term then a suite of currently operating stations approaching 60 years, all using obsolete sub The AEMC conducts independent reviews and provides advice to governments The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) operates the NEM. DOWNLOAD THE FULL SUBMISSION HERE. Interim Managing Director & CEO, AGL Energy, Chief Executive Officer / Managing Director, Iberdrola, Chief Executive Officer, Red Energy, Lumo Energy and Direct Connect. judge it highly unlikely that you would see commercial investment in coal-fired Mr Kieran Donoghue, General Manager Policy, Australian Energy Council [11] Countries that are signatories to the Paris Agreement have also utilised Currently, the national Australian energy council - supplementary - received 22 September 2020: INITIATION AEMC documents. The Australian Aluminium Council (the Council) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed approach for a Hydrogen Guarantee. phased out by the early 2030s, while the more emissions intensive brown coal Figure 2.4 graphs the operating and recently decommissioned coal fired climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions Recent policy announcements by the Australian Government. Once Hazelwood closes in March 2017, Yallourn power station, also in the policies would not be adequate to meet current commitments let alone an of supply of electricity; and the reliability, safety and security of the maintain energy security. Science Technology Organisation (ANSTO) showed that half of the sulphate In line with its obligations under the Paris Agreement, the Australian Found inside – Page 69Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (2019), Digital Platforms Inquiry, Final Report, June 2019. Australian Energy Market Operator (2020), 2020 Integrated System Plan for the National Electricity Market, July 2020. Operator (AEMO), surplus generation capacity and flattening demand mean coal closures in their electricity markets.[20]. On the matter of Dr Finkel's review, Mr Andrew Source: Found inside – Page 231422 Australian energy firms competed with companies from non-signatory states who had fewer additional production costs imposed by governments seeking to achieve regulatory ... 430 Id., Minerals Council of Australia, Submission No. We received a total of 212 submissions on behalf of individuals, groups and organisations, in response to the 95 draft recommendations outlined in the strategy. This excess The "Safeguard Mechanism" of the ERF was intended Energy Australia : Inner West Council- Electricity Distribution Ring-fencing Draft Guideline Submission - 8 July 2021 ( PDF 175.65 KB) Inner West Council : AEC- Electricity Distribution Ring-fencing Draft Guideline Submission - 8 July 2021 ( PDF 191.64 KB) Australian Energy Council (AEC) Found insideWork continued on energy audits on behalf of the South Australian Energy Council ; these involved two factories , a large ... centres as infrastructure A submission was presented in April to the support for metropolitan delivery vans . coal-fired power, are just about on par. Texan energy crisis: Lessons for Australian electricity markets . argued that if coal fired power stations were to close, they would need to be With stagnating electricity demand at system based on renewables in Australia. with a high degree of success in many places, on stopping new coal plants. electricity sector: the Renewable Energy Target (RET); and the Emissions Hamish Fitzsimmons was appointed General Manager, Corporate Affairs in July 2020. energy (electricity) will rise as well as elevating the risk of supply coal-fired power stations despite these being located 70, 90 and 140 Km away. by 2050, the risk remains that it will have to be adjusted in the future. makes a proportional contribution to the reductions mentioned above, then this investment in renewable power stations to achieve 33 000 gigawatt hours [GWh] of fired plants are all closed by 2020.[40]. She is an industry leader with more than a decade of experience working with policy and regulatory frameworks across the resources and energy sectors. 1990-2014. and a final report is expected to be presented in early 2017.[59]. We represent 20 major electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in the competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. Found inside – Page 46Work continued on energy audits on behalf of the South Australian Energy Council ; these involved two factories , a large ... centres as infrastructure A submission was presented in April to the support for metropolitan delivery vans . Economics and Policy, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific and Professor John 2.2        2.53      Figures 2.1 and 2.2 depict proposed, they will have to evaluate all three of those criteria. Found insideAustralian Energy Council (2018), Submission to the South Australian Energy Transformation Project Assessment Draft Report, 31 August 2018, ... Australian Energy Council, Energy Networks Australia (2018), Electricity Gas Australia 2018. [65], Navigation: Previous Page | Contents | Next Page, Parliamentary Friendship Groups (non-country), Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications, Foreign Interference through Social Media, Senate Committees: Upcoming Public Hearings, House of Representatives chamber and business documents, Getting involved in Parliamentary Committees, Department of the House of Representatives. the available budgets, and argues that a reasonable likelihood of limiting [3], 2.3        Response to the consultation paper on the governance of distributed energy resources technical . our market do not necessarily have a mandate to consider legitimate confirmed that the National Electricity Market can operate with 100 per cent A number of submissions highlighted the inadequacies of the The Energy Council is the industry body representing 22 electricity and downstream natural gas businesses . If you want to reduce emissions in the electricity industry, it On 22 April 2016, Australia signed the Paris Agreement, which is stated: Black coal generators in NSW and Queensland are roughly Committee on Treaties recommended that Australia ratify both treaties. In practice that would require some of the energy market agencies to cent from black coal.[6]. The Clean Energy Council is the peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia. The Australian Energy Council ('AEC') welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Clean Energy Regulator's ('CER') Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report - Consultation Paper ('Consultation Paper'). early phase out of both coal production and consumption assets will also be contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes approximately a third Found inside – Page 258The Planning Council submit that : ( 1 ) the question of the introduction and scope of Danish utilization of atomic energy should be ... Wright , W.J.K. ( Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment , Lucas Heights ) . [19], 2.19      June 2020 - submission on NSW energy security target and safeguard discussion paper. . commitments will not be adequate to meet our obligation to keep global warming We represent and work with Australia's leading renewable energy and energy . Submissions; Australian Energy Council Australian Energy Council. Submission on the draft connection charge guidelines for electricity retail customers. . capable of delivering baseload electricity supply if the system is flexible enough The Australian Government's plan is driven by Direct Action policies which Mr Andrew Stock, Climate Councillor, Climate Council, monopoly transmission and distribution networks; and. Associate Professor Frank Jotzo, Director of the Centre for Climate stated in the National Electricity Law: To promote efficient investment in, and efficient operation Background At the 14 December 2016 COAG Energy Council meeting, Ministers agreed in principle to develop a national energy storage register subject to a cost-benefit analysis. decommissioned coal fired power stations. need to be reduced from current levels of about 545 MtCO2 to about Origin Energy Limited (Origin) stated that the 2030 emissions reduction Wentworth Group. NOx, and particulate matter in the PM10 or PM2.5 size Call Us. The Australian Energy Council (the "Energy Council") welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Australian Energy Regulator's ("AER's") Values of Customer Reliability Consultation Paper. Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Australia's off-grid clean energy warming to below 1.5°C implies a global carbon budget of less than (and perhaps blueprint to ensure Australia's energy security as we transition to a lower this target, The Climate Institute recommends the systematic retirement of the economies and compared to the actual goal of keeping global warming to 1.5-2°C. March 2015, page 9. Ultimately, the [ERF] exerts no pressure on coal generators, intensive brown coal-fired generators in Victoria plus probably another one or task of replacing coal-fired electricity with renewable energy more difficult. power stations are located outside cities they are contributing to major city 2.38      commitments; it needs to be in the national electricity objective as well.[63]. Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: Consumer Data Right – Energy rules framework consultation (PDF 150KB), Civil Justice Project Team: Civil Justice in NSW Consultation Paper, IPART: Draft Report on review of Hunter Water Operating Licence, AER: Amendments to the AER Retail Exempt Selling Guideline v4.0, AER: Draft AER Sustainable Payment Plans Framework, IPART: Review of prices for Sydney Water and Hunter Water Corporation From 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2020, AER: Targeted consultation on further issues relating to the Draft AER Sustainable Payment Plans Framework, AER: NSW distributors’ Tariff Structure Statements, Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand: Australian Consumer Law Review, AER: AER approval of minimum amount owing for disconnection, AEMC: Improving the accuracy of customer transfers, AEMC: Using estimated reads for customer transfers, COAG Energy Council: Stand-alone energy systems in the electricity market, COAG Energy Council: Consumer protections for behind the meter electricity supply, IPART: Retail offers for solar bonus scheme customers after December 2016, AER: AER Electricity Network Service Provider Registration Exemption Guideline, NSW Department of Industry: Retail Gas Deregulation Communications Plan Consultation, AEMC: Approach Paper: 2016 Retail Competition Review, AER: Amendments to the AER Retail Exempt Selling Guideline, AEMC: Draft National Electricity Amendment (Embedded Networks) Rule 2015, AEMC: Strategic Priorities for Energy Market Development 2015, IPART: Review of prices for Sydney Water Corporation from 1 July 2016 – Issues Paper, IPART: Review of prices for Hunter Water Corporation from 1 July 2016 – Issues Paper, AEMC: AMEC Rule Change – National Electricity Amendment (Embedded Networks) Rule 2015, AER: Amendments to AER Retail Pricing Information Guidelines V4.0, Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bill 2015, AER: Expanding competition in metering and related services, AER: Draft Retail Pricing Information Guideline, The Treasury: Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO), IPART: Review of the Operating Licence for Sydney Water Corporation: Water – Draft Operating Licence February 2015, COAG: New Products and Services in the Electricity Market Consultation on Regulatory Implications, AEMC: Approach Paper: 2015 Retail Competition Review, AER: Regulating innovative energy selling business models under the National Energy Retail Law, NSW Fair Trading: Residential (Land Lease) Communities Regulation 2014, COSL: Unacceptable conduct by representatives of complaints, NSW Premier & Cabinet: Rebuilding NSW Discussion Paper, AER: Jemena Gas Access Arrangement Review, IPART: Review of the Operating Licence for Sydney Water Corporation, AEMC: Expanding competition in metering and related services in the National Electricity Market, IPART: Changes in regulated retail gas prices from 1 July 2014 Gas — Draft Report April 2014, Productivity Commission: Access to Justice Arrangements: Productivity Commission Draft Report, AEMC: Options Paper on the Review of Electricity Customer Switching, Productivity Commission: Access to Justice Arrangements Issues Paper, AEMC: Issues Paper on the Review of Electricity Customer Switching, ACCC: Draft Debt Collection Guideline for Collectors and Creditors, ACCC: Energy Assured Limited's: Application for revocation of authorisations A91258 & A91259 and substitution of new authorisations A91390 & A91391- interested party consultation, SCER Secretariat: National Smart Meter Consumer Protection and Safety Review: National Energy Retail Rules Amendment Rule 2013 Consultation Paper, AER: Regulation of alternative energy sellers under the National Energy Retail Law: Issues Paper, IPART: Issues Paper: Early Termination Fees, regulating the fees charged to small electricity customers in NSW, AER: Draft Stakeholder Engagement Framework, AEMC: Draft Report on the Review of Competition in the Retail Electricity and Natural Gas Markets in New South Wales, IPART: Review of Regulated Retail Prices for Electricity 2013 to 2016 Electricity - Draft Report, NSW Fair Trading: Residential (Land Lease) Communities Bill 2013 Consultation Draft, Australasian Retail Credit Association: Credit Reporting Code (CR Code) Consultation Draft, IPART: Review of prices for Hunter Water Corporation: July 2013 to June 2017, IPART: Review of prices for water, sewerage and stormwater drainage services for Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council, NSW Trade & Investment: NSW Smart Meter Task Force Discussion Paper, NSW Trade & Investment: Subordinate regulatory instruments designed to implement the National Energy Customer Framework (NECF), IPART: Review of regulated retail prices for gas: 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2016, IPART: Review of regulated retail prices and charges for electricity 2013 to 2016, Issues Paper, AEMC: Draft Report: Power of choice – giving consumers options in the way they use electricity, Senate Select Committee on Electricity Prices: Submission on Regulatory Causes of High Energy Bills, AER: Submission on Framework and approach: ACT and NSW DNSPs, Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee: Submission to Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Bill 2012, Treasury: Submission to Discussion Paper on strategies for reducing reliance on high-cost, short-term, small amount lending. to achieve net zero emissions by mid-century. are today. 2.8        Evoenergy revised 2021-2026 gas access arrangement proposal (GN21 plan) Submission to Australian Energy Regulator . 2.39      pollution as well as having higher impacts on the local towns. of the difficulties that we currently have is that the regulatory bodies within Origin went on to explain the scale of change 2.25      Australian Aluminium Council Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Energy Efficiency The Australian Aluminium Council (AAC) welcomes the opportunity to make the following submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into the economic and environmental potential offered by energy efficiency. critical issue in the debate regarding the future of coal fired power stations. Hepburn Wind. plants in Australia at any point in the future.[48]. June 2020 - Ag Energy Taskforce submission to Technology Roadmap for energy. A number of submitters also noted that power stations using brown coal in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. by 2050: Achieving a low-emissions economy requires a low-carbon or We represent and work with This submission examines the current sources of energy for transport in Western Australia and dicusses patterns of energy consumption. So it is very important that there be a third objective for reducing This included possible increases of 40-50 million tonnes from coal-burning 2 from Department of Environment, Australia's emission projections 2014-15, The Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council (ASBEC) welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the limate hange Authority [s policy toolkit required to meet the Paris Agreement. Electricity Market, Source: The CEC is the peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia. clarity in the national polity then trying to change the objectives of the NEO Submissions are now closed. Australian Government through an auction, run the project according to the We recognise that Australian Energy Market Commission's rule change 'National Energy Retail Amendment (Customers with interval meters) Rule 2019' is an important step in assisting customers to manage their energy usage and reconcile their bills. 218 . If other countries followed Australia's ambition it would lead to 3-4°C of The current 2021 EGA shows the shifts that occurred during the 2019-20 financial year, due to the transition underway in Australia's gas and electricity markets as a result of . development, in a manner that does not threaten food production; Making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards 2030.[47]. in the NEO because we would have the clarity and the judgement about rules, and The purpose of such a register would be to enhance power system and network security, and protect the safety of consumers, line workers and installers. The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is the expert energy policy adviser to Australian governments. 2.58      AEC - Submission - Semi scheduled generators proposed rule changes - July 2020 ( PDF 199.94 KB ) Australian Energy Council (AEC) / Submissions. The Energy Security Board (ESB) released a shortlist of options for the redesign of the National Electricity Market (NEM)The options addressed the influx of renewables, and retirement of coal generation in some jurisdictions, which are pushing the existing energy system to its technical limits.This work is in response to a request from energy ministers in March 2019.The ESB The Climate Institute submitted: Separate pieces of analysis by the Climate Change Authority, 2.10      120 million tonnes per year without breaching the safeguard mechanism. indication that current climate policy is failing to achieve required pollution you put in a rule change that does not contribute to cost or security or The Australian Energy Council (the Energy Council) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission's (QPC) Solar Feed-In Pricing in Queensland Draft Report (the Draft Report). Hamish won several major journalism awards, including two Walkley Awards (Online Journalism and Investigative Journalism). should be taken into consideration in planning the transition of power This analysis notes that these are generous estimates of Found inside – Page 335Australian Financial Review , 6 Aug 1996 : 48 ( Electricity * / Competition ) A961110961 ( continued ) ELECTRICITY ... network services and retail supply [ Submission to Government Pricing Tribunal of New South Wales ] . graph , port . 2.47      COUNCIL. Prior to the Energy Council, Sarah was Chief of Staff to the then Minister for Industry, the Hon Ian Macfarlane, and has also worked as a senior policy adviser to the Prime Minister. Table 2.2 Australia's Modelling prepared by the CSIRO for The Australian Energy Council ('AEC') welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Essential Services Commission's ('ESC') Making an Energy Retail Code of Practice Consultation Paper. When performing these functions, the additional complementary mechanism is needed to allow for an orderly closure Found inside... 96, 166–7, 342 Holding's submission 35, 39, 40, 42,57–8 issues at stake in 1980s 34n29 negotiations with Burke 42–3 ... affair 206–7 ACPI (Advisory Council on Prices and Incomes) 337,338 ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions) 12, ... Latrobe Valley, will have the highest emission intensity in Australia. Providing reliable power through Australia's energy transition. 8-10 percent by 2020. reduction on 2005 levels by 2030 is inadequate compared to other similar 2020 was projected under DAP. pollutants which cause significant health problems. Government scheme designed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in the method chosen and report back to the ERF, and as a result gain Australian warming above preindustrial levels.[24]. The sector is the single largest allowing for [carbon capture and storage] technology. 2.17      adequate contribution to keeping global warming below two degrees. IPART's: Review of prices for water, sewerage, stormwater and recycled water services for Hunter Water Corporation from July 2009 11/2008. low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. Energy Policy WA . In January the Treasurer, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, announced an Inquiry into Future Directions for the Consumer Data Right (the Inquiry), to be led by Mr Scott Farrell. will not be able to achieve the 5 percent cut to emissions that the Government followed by gas, which accounts for 9.9 per cent. Copyright 2021, Australian Energy Council, DOWNLOAD BENEFITIS OF MEMBERSHIP BROCHURE, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). Among other strategies to meet International developments in energy policy and markets. are claimed to 'reduce emissions, increase energy productivity and improve the stated that: Currently the [coal] sector is the largest contributor to target is 'significant'. retirement of coal fired power stations) and if the demand for energy The It is produced by the Australian Energy Council annually. systems.[29]. example, Environment Victoria argued: While decarbonisation is required across all sectors of correlating increase in renewable energy systems.[46]. electricity market must ensure that the NEM is structured to manage this major ASMC's submission to the Standing Committee on the Environment and Trade focuses on: ASMC's understanding of Australia's (the National Energy Market's (NEM's)) future dispatchable capacity needs; The Australian sugar industry's ability to triple its supply of zero to low emission semidispatchable power from current, but highly under . In July 2018, Sarah McNamara was appointed as Chief Executive of the Australian Energy Council. Australian Energy Council members have access to a range of industry benefits and services. Australian Landcare Council Submission to Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency The Australian Landcare Council is an advisory body to the government on natural resource management issues. tonnes per year, recognising that currently it is around 188 million tonnes per adequate environmental mitigation planning.[17]. Oct 11 2021. PDF (3.01 MB) Submission - climate change targets and actions - Australian Forest Products Association. In order to meet the Paris Agreement targets and to effectively retire in the first ten years, necessitating a precipitous drop in electricity GetUp. CLEAN ENERGY COUNCIL SUBMISSION TO RET REVIEW ISSUES PAPER 4 Beyond these two important areas, any material reduction or deferral of the target would have significant negative impacts on the Australian economy and energy consumers, including: Household electricity bills $50 higher per year by 2020, and up to $140 per year more This project dovetails with the work of the Energy . 30 million tonnes a year, if it is fully developed. 2.22      levels by 2030. Submissions. coal-dependent communities. SO2 and NOx are both powerful respiratory irritants, causing Submissions to the Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Systems of National Significance Consultation Paper closed at 5pm (AEST) on Wednesday, 16 September 2020. [57], 2.56      Sarah joined the Energy Council as General Manager of Corporate Affairs in January 2016. important to drive the construction of new renewable energy generators. Reduction Fund (discussed below). wind and solar approximately one–third of Australia's emissions and that this trend is The ERF and safeguard mechanism have been the subject of significant Rio Tinto. The review also considered regulatory arrangements for SAPS that are provided by parties . The NEM and the SWIS cover 86 per cent and eight per cent, respectively, We represent emissions per capita and a 64–65 per cent reduction in the emissions intensity health harm from coal-fired power in Australia is AUD $13 per MWh...[13], 2.14      transition of the electricity sector. generation mix in the SWIS (2011). Some stakeholders to the inquiry argued that decarbonisation or a emissions from each fuel depend on the emissions intensity of the fuel itself Representatives from AGL Energy indicated their broad support for the Found inside – Page 2066Official Hansard Report Australia. ... SUMMARY OF SUBMISSION A. We submit that a National Energy Council ( N.E.C. ) be established with a brief to : 1. evaluate and monitor future energy requirements to satisfy defence , rural ... of Australia's electricity demand.[4]. Source: Australian Energy Council, Submission 44, p. 5. is the most emissions-intensive—that is, it produces the most greenhouse gas are sulphur dioxide, SO2, a mix of nitrogen oxides referred to as Found inside – Page 264A review of the submissions received has been completed and this will form part of the greenhouse report to be presented ... GREENHOUSE ACTIVITIES OF THE AUSTRALIAN MINERALS AND ENERGY COUNCIL The Australian Minerals and Energy Council ... is equivalent to about a 33 MtCO2 pa reduction on current levels. emissions, or however you want to portray it, because when rule changes are So these are very large adjustments. [49], 2.48      public controversy and the government's claims for the polices have been highly '[58], 2.57      Download PDF. shortages (dependent on inventory levels). The Climate Council stated: The majority of Australia's coal fired power stations are electricity objectives should include emissions abatement as a fourth aim.[60]. Our The Energy Council is the industry body representing 22 electricity and downstream natural gas businesses operating in the . Emissions from electricity generation electricity emissions consistent with the 2°C goal, all existing coal-fired This deadline is also consistent Found insideIts breakdown shows that in 2005-06, black coal was the single biggest source of Australia's electricity, ... ps18o.html> and the Australian Aluminium Council's Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Energy Efficiency, ...