Feeds on fish, frogs and crustaceans. Bill, legs, and feet yellow with gray-black striping. Bill is decurved and yellow with dark tip. Northern Goshawk: The adults are slate blue-gray to nearly black upperparts with very finely barred and streaked pale gray underparts. Feeds on insects and their larvae, spiders, fruits and berries. Common Tern (Palau): Medium-sized tern with medium gray upperparts, pale gray underparts sometimes with some pink early in breeding season; glossy black cap and nape. Sabine's Gull: Small gull with gray back and white nape, rump, and underparts. Juvenile white morph has some gray in plumage. The common color of the Carolina Chickadee is grayish buff with black dots scattered randomly within the coloring. Juvenile like winter adult but more black in wings. Lower face and front of neck are white; black cap extends below eye. White underparts extend up onto the face as a cheek patch. Gray wings, tail. If you see my flying with my tail spread, you'll understand why they call me scissor-tailed. Also obvious here is a particularly short body and 'fluffy', 'powder puff' rear end reminiscent of Little Grebe (Alan Tate). Feeds on aquatic plants, dives often, sometimes dabbles. Long, pointed wings with black spots. Bewick's Wren: Small wren with unstreaked, gray to red-brown upperparts and plain white underparts. Tail is gray. Legs and feet are pink-gray. Weak fluttering flight with shallow wing beats. Found inside – Page 62Despite its ungainly locomotory advances, the duck is not an unattractive bird. It has a portly body, ... There are several species, this one has a buffcoloured head, a black face, pink legs and a body with a grey band across its chest. Has a mostly white body with black back, distinctive black tail band, yellow legs, feet. Galapagos Petrel: Medium petrel with dark slate-gray upperparts and white underparts. White-tipped Dove: Medium dove, gray-brown upperparts, pale gray breast, white forehead and belly, chestnut-brown underwings, white-tipped tail. Broad white stripes on black wings are visible in flight. Long gray-brown wings have a pale wing bar. Tail is dark with rust-brown base. Outermost primaries have faint black smudges. It eats fish, squid and crustaceans. White tail has diagnostic black inverted T. Wings have chestnut-brown bars. Sexes similar. Wings are black with single white bar. Tail is paler gray with three or four dark bands. Dark-streaked, white throat bordered by dark necklace. American Woodcock: Medium, stocky sandpiper with buff-brown underparts and dark-streaked gray-brown upperparts. Wings are dark. Bill is pink with dark tip. European starling is a part of the medium-sized black bird that belongs to the family Sturnidae. Sallies out to take insects in air. Head is crested, has black mask with narrow white band below. Upper mandible is gray, while lower mandible is pink. It has a rapid direct flight with strong wing beats and flies high, usually in V- formations. My black face and gray back make me pretty easy to distinguish as I flit among the treetops. Bushtit: Tiny, acrobatic bird with gray-brown upperparts and paler underparts. Short flights, alternates rapid wing beats with brief periods of the wings pulled to sides. The head is red-brown with a long sloping profile, a long dark bill and red eyes. California Scrub-Jay: Medium, crestless jay, blue head, wings, tail, gray mask, back, pale gray underparts. Gray catbird full body is grey with a black cap and tail tip; tail is rust below Tail is long, black, and white-edged. Bill is black and stout. The feet are dark brown and the iris is yellow. Size. It has an undulating flight. The rump, tail, and tail coverts are red, and legs and feet are gray. Weak fluttering flight. Bill is heavy and slightly hooked. Feeds primarily on pond weeds. The legs and feet are pink. Sexes are similar. It flies in v shaped formations. Marsh Sandpiper: Slender, medium-sized wader. Legs and feet are black. large black bird; wedged tail; blue iridescent face, smooth coat, large . Black legs and feet. The bill is long and slender with a curved shape. Short, notched tail. The White-breasted Nuthatch is about 11 inches tall and weighs about 4.8 ounces. Black undertail coverts. NORTHERN HARRIER (male) silver grey wings and back. Swift direct flight with rapid wing beats. The eye is dark brown and the legs and feet are dark grey. Pyrrhuloxia males are grey with red accents to the face, crest and have red running down the breast and tail. The tail is long, dark, and has white edges. Upper mandible is dark gray, while lower mandible is pale pink with black tip. Juan Fernandez Petrel: This large petrel has dark brown-gray upperparts, a black M-shaped marking across extended wings, white underparts, and black-edged underside wings. The bill, legs, and feet are black. Wings are dark with two white bars. These birds breed in much of North America, including the majority of the United States and a good portion of Canada. Iris color is black for the first 4 months of age, but changes fully to yellow by 4 years old. Wings are blue-gray with olive-brown tertials. Hood is black and extends onto upper neck. Dark gray back and nape. The red bill is black-tipped, legs are red, and the tail is deeply forked and elongated. Bill, legs and feet are black. Among the favorite birds in the yard, chickadees stay year-round, caching seeds to survive the bad times. Upperwings are dark edged. Upper wings are black-gray, and under wings are white with black-gray leading and trailing edges. Bill, legs and feet are black. It feeds on small invertebrates, crustaceans, vertebrates, mammals, the eggs and the young of other birds and, plants. Striated Heron: Small, stocky, gray heron, black cap, short black line below eye. Long wings are gray above and white below with black tips. It eats seeds, grains and insects. Found inside – Page 255Plumage similar to darker Isabelline but differs in pale forehead and white supercilium , larger black face - mask ... body ; at distance , dark immature indistinguishable from Jackdaw but , close- to , shows only restricted grey patch ... Low, swift flight, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. Head has a strange, smiling orange bill, quail-like crest, bright yellow-white eyes and white eye plumes. Feeds on nuts, insects, eggs and young of other birds, lizards, carrion and small mammals. Willet: This large sandpiper has mottled gray-brown upperparts, white rump and lightly streaked and barred white underparts, white tail with dark brown tip, and blue-gray leg. Habitat, range & behavior: Cardinals are year-round residents in shrubby woodland edges. Terek Sandpiper: Medium-sized sandpiper with lightly spotted gray upperparts, white underparts, and gray wash on upper breast. Certainly the pics show a less-than-elegant bird, something akin to a lizard's head on a feathered body, a sight more reminiscent of a dinosaur than of a local yard bird. Also eats their larvae, fruits and berries. Rapid direct flight with strong wing beats, flies in V formation. Where the face patch comes from is anybody's guess, and nothing has a black-and-tan bill like this bird. Tail is white with a black triangular tip visible in flight. Hermit Warbler: Small warbler, gray upperparts, white underparts, black-streaked flanks. The legs and feet are red. The legs and feet are pink. Helmeted Guineafowl: A large bird with a unique blue, featherless head and neck, and a brown bony casque. Found inside – Page 658About seven and nopterus . a half inches long ; beak light bluish - grey ; top of the P. Malaccensis , Lath . ... The young bird has no blue on its belly ; it is bluish - black ; face , under parts of the body , and inter- then the P. Head is large and without ear tufts. Cassin's Vireo: Small vireo, olive-gray upperparts, white underparts, pale yellow flanks. Roseate Tern: White below with slight, variable pinkish cast visible in good light; pale gray above with black cap, nape and deeply forked tail that projects well beyond wingtips at rest. Gray Heron: Large wading bird, upperparts are pale gray to blue-gray, underparts are white. The wings are gray above, tipped black with white spots, and white below; yellow legs and feet. These birds are known for their black and white markings on their upper parts, with a bright red spot on the back of its head. Great-winged Petrel: Large petrel with brown-black body except for pale gray forehead, face, chin, and throat. It has a yellow head with black lores separated from a gray back by a distinct line. This unique bird lives mainly on the ground searching for food such as ants, beetle larvae, berries, and various types of nuts. Found inside – Page 148ID Black crest, face and throat, grey sides to neck, and black bill and legs. Black patch on belly. In flight, shows broad white greater-covert wing-bar contrasting with blackflight feathers, and blacktail. Juvenile is similar to adult, ... Cuckoo-shrikes are neither cuckoos nor shrikes, but are so called becaues their feathers have similar patterns to those of cuckoos and their beak shape resembles that of shrikes. Tail is pale gray, dark band at base. Until the 1990s was classified as the Solitary Vireo, along with the Blue-headed and Plumbeous Vireos. Flight is fluttering and direct on shallow wing beats. Lesser Nighthawk: Medium-sized nightjar with gray and white mottled upperparts, white throat, and brown and white mottled underparts with dark belly bars. Lesser Sand-Plover: Medium-sized, chunky plover with gray upperparts, white underparts, and bright rust-brown breast band and nape. Head is yellow with black throat and nape. Gray morph is a mix. Found inside – Page 144In non-breeding plumage is uniform grey on neck, upperparts and breast. Juvenile has cinnamon underparts ... ID Black crest, white (or buff) and blackface pattern, blackbreast-band, and dark green upperparts. Juvenile has prominent buff ... Head has bright orange crown patch bordered with yellow and black, white eyebrows and black bill. White throat, white and orange-brown streaks on breast. Very short tail. Often soars on thermals. Outer tail feathers and undertail coverts are white. During winter migrations, they concentrate around coastal areas and southern backcountry habitats, where they feed on the shores, marshes, small creeks and rivers. Alternates several deep wing beats with glides. Legs gray-green and green-yellow. Sexes are similar. Rides thermals and updrafts. Hawks from perch, hovers. Female: Brown body with gray-brown head, white ring near the tip of the bill and a white ring around the eyes. The Black-faced Monarch is one of the monarch flycatchers, a forest and woodland-dwelling group of small insect-eating birds, and is strictly arboreal (found in trees). Northern Fulmar Light Morph: This large gull-like bird has gray upperparts and white underparts, head, neck, and tail. Gyrfalcon: Large northern falcon with three color morphs: dark, white, and gray. Head, throat, nape and upper breast are orange-brown; mask is black. Omao: This common Hawaiian thrush is dark gray-brown above and pale gray below with brown edging on wings. Short, white bars on flanks, white undertail with black stripe. Direct flight with rapid wing beats. Their bill is pink or yellow. Undertail coverts, belly are white. White breast with partial gray-brown breast band. Legs and feet are black. Aplomado Falcon: Medium falcon with slate-gray upperparts, plain white breast. Sexes are similar. Their most distinguishing feature is their bright yellow rump, and crown patch which they can be seen flashing in flight as they take off from one tree to another.if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-learnbirdwatching_com-banner-1-0')}; The warbler’s habitat consists of conifers, wet, coniferous forests, or any place where there are large numbers of conifers. Manx Shearwater: Small shearwater with brown-black upperparts and white underparts, underwings and undertail coverts. Gray legs, feet. The tail has a black tip and the body of the bird is thick with long and tapered black bars along its neck and crest. Feeds and forages on land or in shallow water by probing in mud, and sweeping bill back and forth. . Tail is dark with white outer feathers. Was once considered a subspecies of the Tufted Titmouse. Eye has faint eye-ring. Because of the pattern on the edge of its eye, it looks like it's wearing eyeliner. White wing bars, rump, a white-tipped brown tail, black bill and dark gray legs and feet. Split by the American Ornithologist Union in 2014 into the White-capped Albatross, Salvin's Albatross and Chatham Albatross. PERCHING DUCKS. Direct, swift flight on rapidly beating wings. Strong deep wing beats. The Yellowface type 2 mutation "bleeds" down into the blue body color, creating a seafoam-green effect. Western Scrub-Jay was split into two species, the California Scrub-Jay and Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay in 2016 by the American Ornithologist Union. Dark cap contrasts with white face. Feeds on insects, larvae, worms and mollusks. Nape is ringed with half-black collar that does not extend to throat. It has a stout, short black bill and pink legs and feet with black toes. Found inside – Page 96By first autu mn much as adult and not easily distinguished except in hand, but black barring on blue wingcovert feathers ... Foxy red on head, breast and nape, contrasting with grey mantle and scapulars, face dusky, irides dark blue. Head has black face patch, white eyebrows. The bill is yellow with a dark tip. Hovers over prey and dips down. The non-breeding ones resemble the female. Mask is black and throat is white. Black wings with white trailing edges. Underwings are mostly dark. The sexes are similar. Most spend their entire lives not far from their birthplace. Slate-throated Redstart: Medium warbler with slate-gray upperparts, black face, throat, red breast, belly, and chestnut-brown crown. Both sexes are similar in appearance. Found inside – Page 400Adult Forehead to crown, nape and face sooty-black, face streaked or flecked paler in some birds but in others as dark ... Chin, whitish; throat grey-brown or paler in some, rest of underparts greyish-buff except for whitish-buff belly ... Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler: Medium warbler, dark-streaked, blue-gray upperparts, yellow rump and throat. The diet is mainly comprised of squid and prawns. Gray Nightjar: Small, gray-brown nightjar, black streaks above, black bars below, gray-white moustache and throat. Tail is short and pointed. Japanese Quail: This small bird has white streaks on mottled gray-brown upperparts, white eyebrow, gray breast with black-gray streaks, rufous sides with white streaks, white belly, gray bill, tan legs and a short tail. These warblers breed in North America, wintering in North and South America. Long, black barred, gray-brown tail, gray-white tip. Color: That bright red color is matched by few other birds. It has white underparts, a light gray bill and gray legs and feet. Cedar Waxwing: Small waxwing, red-brown upperparts, pale slate-gray rump, buff underparts. Mississippi Kite: Small kite, dark gray upperparts, pale gray underparts and head. Tufted Titmouse: The largest titmouse, it has gray upperparts, pale gray underparts, rust-brown flanks. They live throughout forested and deciduous areas throughout the eastern United States and Canada, from northern Maine to Texas and Mexico. It is buff-brown overall with barring, finer on the underparts and heavier on the upperparts. Townsend's Solitaire: Small thrush, gray overall and slightly darker above. The Indigo Bunting is a small, blue bird that can be found in the Eastern United States. Clark's Nutcracker: Medium, noisy and inquisitive jay with pale gray head and body. Wings are plain olive-brown. Sexes are similar. Legs and feet are dark gray. These birds are a black and white bird with a red cap, white face, and a long black bill. It was named for Lucy Hunter Baird, daughter of Spencer F. Baird, ornithologist and secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. The only eastern warbler that nests in tree hollows. Whatbird parametric search. Sexes are similar. Strong direct flight on rapid wing beats. It alternates several stiff wing beats with short glides. Glides between perches. It has a black hood and sideburns, yellow fleshy eye ring, and yellow legs and feet. The wings are short and the tail is medium in length. Legs and feet are yellow-orange. Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel: Medium storm-petrel, blue-gray upperparts, pale gray underparts. They live in woodlands and are omnivorous. Great Gray Owl: Large owl, dark gray body interspersed with bars and flecks of brown, pale gray, and white. Wings are rufous. Catches insects in flight. Palau Flycatcher: Small monarch flycatcher with orange front, face, around eye, on throat, and on breast. Male: The breeding male has a green head, white collar, gray wings, brown breast and yellowish-orange bill tipped black. Legs and feet are black. Tail is long and dark. Females are duller and browner, with a light area around the base of the bill. The head and neck are rufous-brown, and the blue-gray bill is black-tipped; eyes are yellow. The Black and White Warbler is a small songbird, measuring 4.3-5.1 in (11-13 cm) long with an average weight of 0.3-0.5 oz (8-15 g). Sexes are similar. The flight is strong, swift and graceful. Feeds on seeds, buds, fruits and insects. Swift, powerful undulating flight. V-shaped bib is black. The sexes are similar. American Tree Sparrow: Medium, gray-brown sparrow, black and rufous-brown streaks on back, wings. A glossy blue-black bird with a short tail and bright yellow eye. Black face. Black tail is slightly notched. Feeds on seeds and aquatic insects. AKA Mexican Titmouse. It mostly feeds on submerged aquatic vegetation. Distinctions: The male and the female are similar in appearance. Back, wings, and tail blue-grey with gray-brown and russet on flanks and underparts. The White-breasted Nuthatch is about 2.5 to 3 ounces in weight and measures about 10 to 11 inches from bill tip to tail tip. These birds are sporting a large grey-black bill as well, characterized by the small hook found at the upper bill's tip. Black bill with creamy pink base to lower mandible. Found inside – Page 478is like a dull , with dark ear-coverts, whitish throat, but browner-grey mantle and chest. ... with distinctive yellow fringes to tail-feathers; all have bright yellow face with beady dark eye prominent in plain face. Flight is rapid and direct. Diet includes fish, insects and birds. Pale brown legs, feet. Arctic Tern: This is a medium-sized, slim tern with gray upperparts, black cap, a white rump and throat, and pale gray underparts. Flies low to the ground, holds wings low during flight. Long wings with black tips on primaries. The bird is grey on its back and paler grey underneath, but it's the black mask and throat that really draws attention and gives its identity away. Black-throated Sparrow: Medium sparrow, gray-brown upperparts, white underparts, black bib. Green Heron: This small heron has gray-green upperparts, chestnut brown head, neck, and upper breast, and a paler brown belly.