www.fao.org/3/na265en/na265en.pdf. In the past decade, the world has gained access to unprecedented amounts of data on the fishing and aquaculture sector. For FAO global aquaculture production statistics, all recorded production is aggregated at or above the species level. C.M. If exports for human consumption of fish and terrestrial meat are taken into account, since 2016 those of fish have been higher than those of terrestrial in value terms (51 percent versus 49 percent). As a result, FAO and RFBs launched various information systems and partnerships, such as: ▸ Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS), which disseminates inventory-based information on the status of stocks and fisheries; ▸ Database on Introductions of Aquatic Species, Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Database and Database of Measures on the Conservation and Management of Sharks, which reflect actions taken by stakeholders (RFMOs and States) to preserve fragile habitats (such as vulnerable marine ecosystems [VMEs]) and vulnerable species (e.g. FAO has a role to play in providing technical assistance to countries to develop and implement traceability systems, while recognizing the different applications of these systems, such as food safety, legality, ecolabelling, catch documentation and food fraud (FAO and ITU, 2019). The seabed that lies beyond the limits of national jurisdiction is designated as “the Area”. More than 12 750 species items are listed in ASFIS, of which just under 5 percent have been reported as having been farmed, according to FAO aquaculture statistics released in March 2019. The species that have been assessed account for about 75 percent of global catch, and thus provide a comprehensive overview of global sustainability status. In the Caribbean, FAO has developed a training package and organized (together with the FISH Safety Foundation) a train-the-trainer session for coastguard, navy and fisheries trainers on safety at sea for small-scale fishers. Following disruptions, many farmers who have been unable to sell their harvest have had to maintain large quantities of live fish. Antifreeze proteins from polar fishes’ skin tissue can be used to reduce the damage caused by frozen storage of meat. Their declining shares are rather the result of much faster demand growth in many emerging economies, particularly in East and Southeast Asia. 3 Ye, Y. In addition, there are also issues of timeliness or the non-reporting of the data to FAO, which affects the quality and completeness of FAO’s estimates of total capture fisheries. For LIFDCs, the value of imports has been increasing at an average annual growth rate of about 6 percent in the period 1976–2018, but in most cases these values remain at very low levels relative to the rest of the world. The property is currently identified as a contributory local heritage item but renovations would be permitted with Council approval. One study (Ye et al., 2013) has estimated that rebuilding overfished stocks to the biomass that enables them to deliver MSY could increase fisheries production by 16.5 million tonnes and annual rent by US$32 billion. In: FAO [online]. FAO. There are also links to relevant FAO publications, reports and news archives. At the apex, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, as an FAO flagship publication, informs high-level policy audiences and supports evidence-based policy-making. Applying these frameworks helps stakeholders to better understand the impacts of different types of tenure and user rights systems – including on the most vulnerable and marginalized – and, hence, supports more informed decision-making. However, it should be noted that the current policies also point to developing the country’s distant-water fleet, which might partly offset reductions in its domestic catches. Although prices for fishmeal have generally been decreasing since mid-2018 (Figure 37), early closure of the second Peruvian anchoveta fishing season in late 2019 and a drop in raw material supply point to a likely reversal of this trend. The expansion of fish processing has resulted in increasing quantities of by-products, which may represent up to 70 percent of processed fish. by video camera) and physical data to monitor, for example, fish growth, health and feed loss reduction. ▸ Diversify value chains by adding value to new or currently undervalued resources. For many species frequently traded internationally, the impact of supply disruption shocks such as disease outbreaks and other causes of price volatility is no longer confined to the country or region in which they occur. In the Mediterranean, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean supported a number of dedicated small-scale fisheries events (a symposium, a regional consultation and a regional workshop). The underfished stocks decreased continuously from 1974 to 2017, whereas the maximally sustainably fished stocks decreased from 1974 to 1989, and then increased to 59.6 percent in 2017. To be successful in realizing the aims of productive and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, it is necessary to ensure that the variety of life forms that directly and indirectly support the functioning of resilient ecosystems are restored where they have become depleted, and maintained to help meet the interconnected SDGs, of particularly relevance under SDG 14. Vigo, Spain, 25–29 November 2019/Rapport de la dix-septième session du Sous-Comité du Commerce du Poisson, Vigo, Espagne, 25-29 novembre 2019/Informe de la 17.a reunión del Subcomité de Comercio Pesquero, Vigo (España), 25-29 de noviembre de 2019. These include traditional sectors such as fisheries, irrigation, tourism and maritime transport, but also new and emerging activities, such as renewable energy, water desalinization, marine aquaculture, seabed extractive activities, marine biotechnology and bioprospecting. Read more. Artisanal fishers are linked to consumers through a vast intraregional trading network, of fresh, salted, dried or smoked fish, in which women play a central role. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. Ensuring access to secure livelihoods and sustainable development: the Volta River clam fishery in Ghana, 14. Some of this increase can be attributed to improved reporting and assessment at the country level and may not be increased production. 1987. Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [online]. In: IPBES [online]. Since 1980, natural disasters have hit every region of the world with growing frequency and intensity. These practices include thematic risk and monitoring dynamic maps, and a certification programme that indicates the commitment of fishing communities to sustainable fisheries (including climate change adaptation). The declaration by the United Nations General Assembly of 2022 as the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (see Box 12) will provide an important milestone to assess progress towards achieving SDG Target 14.b, and to share related good practices around the world. Fish provided an average of only about 35 calories per capita per day in 2017, exceeding 100 calories per capita per day in countries where a preference for fish has developed and endured traditionally (e.g. In area 31, the Western Central Atlantic, catches have continued to be relatively stable since the mid-2000s, fluctuating between 1.4 million tonnes and 1.6 million tonnes per year. Educating the Student Body makes recommendations about approaches for strengthening and improving programs and policies for physical activity and physical education in the school environment. unemployment benefits), and steps to ensure the continuity of food supply. Throughout 2019, FAO therefore conducted a global study on transshipment, focusing on collecting more quantitative data and aiming to characterize the different types of practices, economic incentives, patterns, available means of monitoring and control, and areas covered by relevant regulations. Effects on aquaculture have varied with regions, species, markets and financial capacity of farms. Fish and Fisheries, 19(2): 321–339. However, in recent years, the numbers and multiplicity of such schemes have been confusing. Areas explored with success under FAO’s BGI to produce alternative income-generation activities include blue fashion, ocean ecotourism, and fisheries services such as certification and ecolabelling. Much fishmeal and fish oil is traded because, generally, the major producers (in South America, Northern Europe and Asia) are not the same countries as the main consumption centres (in Europe and Asia). Targeted fisheries and aquaculture development interventions in these regions, addressing their specific needs for food, trade and livelihoods, can provide the transformational change we need to feed everyone, everywhere. Moreover, even when registered, they may not be reported in national statistics. In the following three decades, the quality of these databases – highly dependent upon Members’ capacity to collect, manage and report statistical data – improved thanks to the development of international standard classifications on aquatic species, fishing areas, gear types, vessels, trade, etc. 3 Barange, M., Merino, G., Blanchard, L., Scholtens, J., Harle, J., Allison, E., Allen, I., Holt, J. Heritage & Planning SA Style Training Seminar 18 July 2011 Heritage & the Law Jamie Botten . In: FAO [online]. In addition, the sector is critical for the livelihoods of almost 60 million people worldwide (FAO, 2018a). As a student, you'll join a national destination for research training! Ecological Economics, 97: 10–19. 2019g. Ending fishery overexploitation by expanding from local successes to globalized solutions. In some instances, small-scale and subsistence fisheries may provide the principle source of income for entire communities, providing economic resilience where often sources of alternative employment are limited or non-existent. Overall, in 2017, about 65.4 percent of the fish stocks monitored by FAO (hereinafter referred to as the assessed stocks) were fished within biologically sustainable levels, and 34.6 percent fished outside of these levels, in the Northwest Pacific. In FAO. expert advice on whether species meet the established listing criteria). 2018. Dokken, K.J. It has informed support services to regional and subregional fisheries organizations in improving their legal framework to promote regional mechanisms and cooperation. marine invertebrates). Where such an appraisal is focused on short-term, no- and low-regret adaptation, conventional decision-support methods, such as cost–benefit analysis or multicriteria analysis, can be used. These kilns can significantly reduce toxic substances (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in the smoke inhaled by the fish processors – almost all of whom are women – inhale, and also help prevent such substances from entering the fish flesh. [Cited 25 December 2019]. Such catches account for 50–70 percent of total catches in area 87. Food loss is the decrease in the quantity or quality of food resulting from decisions and actions by food. Moreover, the 3rd World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress, organized by the research network Too Big To Ignore in Thailand in October 2018 (Ramírez Luna, Kereži and Saldaña, 2018), also discussed SDG Target 14.b. Inland rivers, lakes and floodplains support even more fishers, processors and traders than do marine sectors, often as a crucial component of a complex and seasonally variable livelihood. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission, Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea) or informal information-exchange working groups (e.g. & Gutierrez, N.L. Understanding the macroalgal value chain: from production to post-harvest processing. Extensive international marketing campaigns have become a regular occurrence as producer countries seek to expand and diversify their export markets and, together with information technology, have also helped to facilitate the integration of once nation-specific dishes such as sushi into seafood menus across the world. The workshops concluded that there is a need for a participatory approach to finding information at the national level to be able to respond to the questionnaire in a responsible manner. According to the latest available estimates for 2019, China’s exports declined by 7 percent compared with 2018 (USD 20 billion versus USD 21.6 billion), possibly impacted by trade disputes between China and the United States of America. Per capita global fish consumption has doubled since the 1960s (FAO, 2018a). The above examples illustrate FAO’s way forward to leverage information technologies and partnerships to respond to the challenges of proper monitoring and reporting on the SDGs. & Lester, S.E. Human activities in agriculture (including irrigation), urbanization, industry and damming all have strong impacts on water and aquatic ecosystems. www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/, Warren, R., Wilby, R., Brown, K., Watkiss, P., Betts, R.A., Murphy, J.M. The two most productive species were Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) and jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas), with landings of almost 4.0 million tonnes and 0.76 million tonnes respectively. In per capita terms, food fish consumption rose from 9.0 kg (live weight equivalent) in 1961 to 20.3 kg in 2017, at an average rate of about 1.5 percent per year, while total meat consumption grew by 1.1 percent per year in the same period. Noumea, Secretariat of the Pacific Community. As shown in Figure 46, after the first reporting period for this indicator in 2018, globally, a medium level of implementation of international instruments applicable to combating IUU fishing has been reached. Earthen ponds remain the most commonly used type of facility for inland aquaculture production, although raceway tanks, aboveground tanks, pens and cages are also widely used where local conditions allow. In a context of projected global demographic growth and rising incomes, aquaculture production will need to grow in the coming decades, while at the same time comply with the 2030 Agenda. Future prospects and trends for effective utilization of fish processing wastes in India. Therefore, FAO works continuously to improve these statistics, in addition to striving to adopt the most correct methodology, and the food composition data and conversion factors for the FBS calculation. Within this species group, skipjack and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) accounted for about 58 percent of the catches in 2018. Within this species group, skipjack and yellowfin tuna accounted for about 58 percent of the catches. The process identified key stakeholders and potential for fishers associations to develop a co-management programme, with options for the administration of user rights, tenure needs and sustainability. Please Use Our Service If You’re: Wishing for a unique insight into a subject matter for your subsequent individual research; With the outputs, stock status can be determined to help with the estimation and reporting of the indicator. However, this health crisis does present an opportunity to address and improve the working and sanitary conditions of these most vulnerable groups, with a particular focus on young people and women, who experience an increased burden of work and higher incidence of gender-based violence. Development Plans. The 24 countries reporting declining catches represent a relatively low contribution to global production, but some of these have significant inland food fisheries that are locally important. Costello, C., Ovando, D., Hilborn, R., Gaines, S.D., Deschenes, O. ISSN 1020-5489 [PRINT]ISSN 2410-5902 [ONLINE]ISBN 978-92-5-132692-3. Many of the data collection systems for inland waters are unreliable, or in some cases non-existent, while improvements in reporting may also mask trends in individual countries. [Cited 30 November 2019]. These recommendations do not constitute a set of necessary steps agreed by all, and they are not geographically or temporally explicit or prioritized in any way. Main authors (all affiliated with FAO, unless otherwise stated) were: Capture fisheries production: James Geehan (lead author), Aquaculture production: Xiaowei Zhou (lead author), Fishers and fish farmers; Fishing fleet: Jennifer Gee (lead author), Status of fishery resources: Yimin Ye (lead author), Tarûb Bahri, Pedro Barros, Simon Funge-Smith, Nicolas Gutierrez, Jeremy Mendoza-Hill, Hassan Moustahfid, Yukio Takeuchi, Merete Tandstad, Marcelo Vasconcellos, Fish utilization and processing: Stefania Vannuccini (lead author), Ansen Ward, Molly Ahern, Omar Riego Penarubia, Pierre Ami Maudoux, Fish consumption: Stefania Vannuccini (lead author), Felix Dent, Gabriella Laurenti, Fish trade and products: Stefania Vannuccini (lead author), Felix Dent, How has the Code supported the adoption of sustainable practices? About SDG Indicator 14.4.1VRE. & Charles, A., eds. Inland catches are also important for food security in Africa, which accounts for 25 percent of global inland catches, while the combined catches for Europe and the Americas account for 9 percent. 634. https://doi.org/10.33997/j.afs.2020.33.1.009, https://globalfishingwatch.org/data-blog/global-fisheries-during-covid-19/, www.cffacape.org/news-blog/hard-hit-by-the-covid-19-crisis-ivorian-women-in-artisanal-fisheries-also-see-it-as-an-opportunity-to-address-long-postponed-issues, www.euronews.com/2020/05/19/coronavirus-supporting-europe-s-battered-fishing-industry, www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2020/04/22/world-bank-predicts-sharpest-decline-of-remittances-in-recent-history, Abbreviations and Sensors will be everywhere – in vessels, on gear, on animals, in space, and in water. 32 pp. FAO, in collaboration with the African Development Bank, has been supporting the implementation of a national strategic framework, including an accounting framework, a national investment plan, and the Observatory for the Blue Economy – for implementing the transition to blue growth in Cabo Verde. Ratnasingham, S. & Hebert, P.D.N. However, the share of farmed species in global fishery production (for food and non-food uses), is projected to grow from 46 percent in 2018 to 53 percent in 2030 (Figure 53). Invest in mobile data collection and the use of remote-sensing technologies, involve fisherfolk communities, including women and youth, and empower them with services (including analytics) to improve their livelihoods and facilitate ownership. By 2012, 98 percent of Members reported that aquaculture occurred in their countries, but only about 40 percent of these had legislative and institutional frameworks in place. BOX 16FAO’S AQUACULTURE–HORTICULTURE APPROACH IN REMOTE AREAS IN WEST AFRICA. 30 All food fish consumption statistics reported in this section refer to apparent consumption derived from FAO Food Balance Sheets (FBS) of fish and fish products as at March 2020. ), the reference framework for national, regional and international efforts to ensure sustainable production and harvesting of aquatic living resources in harmony with the environment (FAO, 1995). In 2018, the top 7 producers were responsible for over 50 percent of the total marine captures, of which China accounted for 15 percent of the world total (Table 2), followed by Peru (8 percent), Indonesia (8 percent), the Russian Federation (6 percent), the United States of America (6 percent), India (4 percent), and Viet Nam (4 percent). However, despite the increasing output from global aquaculture, farming of marine fishes is unlikely to overtake marine capture production in the future. She also questioned the need for her town to spend $200,000 on a DPA to list them as local heritage items. Their eyes and skin are also affected, and some women lose their fingerprints, adding another burden in obtaining identification or official papers. Within this context, FAO has facilitated the development of best practice technical guidelines on mitigation of marine bycatch to limit the accidental capture and entanglement of vulnerable and ecologically valuable species groups, such as marine mammals, sharks and rays, seabirds and turtles (see the section Responsible fishing practices).25. The majority of the world’s inland fishery catch comes from basins that score 4–5 (47 percent) or higher at 6–7 (38 percent). Utilization of world fisheries and aquaculture production: developed versus developing countries, 2018, 25. Data on sustainable fish food systems can be improved through: (i) disaggregation of nutrient composition data by species; (ii) inclusion of local and underutilized species in composition and consumption data; (iii) diet–environmental footprint analysis for various fish production methods; and (iv) improved reporting methods for inland fisheries stocks. Following a sharp decline in 2015, trade recovered subsequently in 2016, 2017 and 2018, with respective annual growth rates of 7 percent, 9 percent and 5 percent in value terms. In absolute terms, the overall increase up to 2030 is 15 percent (26 million tonnes) over 2018, a slowdown compared with the 27 percent growth in the period 2007–2018. Elsewhere, their production may be modest but of strong local-importance in the diet (e.g. They are being executed under the leadership of research centres, universities and experts from the private sector, or led by fisheries and aquaculture authorities. In the absence of national reporting, FAO may make estimates based on the best data available from other sources or through standard methodologies. FAO is monitoring the situation closely to assess the overall impact of the pandemic on fisheries and aquaculture production, consumption and trade. How components of FAO’s fisheries and aquaculture knowledge base will contribute to an aquatic genetic resources information system, 9. The Schedule to the Heritage Overlay might also include state significant places. In the context of transition between two systems, catches were partially estimated by FAO in 2017 and 2018 to improve the reliability and consistency in relation to the historical trends. Aquaculture is being promoted as a significant growth sector, and as an activity that can empower women and young people, notably by facilitating women’s decision-making on the consumption and provision of nutritious food (FAO, 2017). The lack of recovery may be largely caused by environmental factors, although further management actions are still needed. This information will demonstrate the potential economic benefits to be gained by implementing the PMP/AB. Oceans and inland waters (lakes, rivers and reservoirs) are increasingly recognized as indispensable for addressing many of the global challenges facing the planet in the decades to come, from world food security, poverty alleviation and climate change to the provision of energy, natural resources, improved well-being and medical care. 2020c. Women fish processors who use traditional ovens are particularly affected by smoke and heat, and suffer from respiratory problems. Future export growth is expected to come from other Asian producers such as Indonesia as well as the expanding Latin American industry. Compared with corresponding figures in previous editions of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, these figures also reflect a revision of the 1995–2017 time series. Therefore, it is important to define biodiversity conservation goals that both engage use sectors such as fisheries and aquaculture, and that target species-rich environments where human pressures are greatest. However, more often than not, such data are either lacking or incomplete. Coastal aquaculture plays an important role in livelihoods, employment and local economic development among coastal communities in many developing countries. More information on the 1997–2006 changes and the work carried out by FAO in consultation with the China’s authorities is available in the 2008, 2010 and 2012 editions of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture. The Code is voluntary in nature; however, certain parts are based on relevant rules of international law. In 2011, RFBs reported that the Code was unlikely to be effective until these organizations adopted the EAF, including the use of target reference points in the fisheries of their members. the African Great Lakes, the Lower Mekong Basin, the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon, and the Brahmaputra and Ayeyarwady river basins). The evolving paradigm of blue economy / blue growth needs to address these challenges to ensure inclusive development for all. Strengthening and promoting sustainable aquaculture practices is another important opportunity to mainstream biodiversity in the sector. ▸ The expansion of global fisheries and aquaculture trade, at a time of food and consumer protection issues and scares in the 1990s and 2000s, led to the emergence of stricter food laws and regulations, private standards and market-based requirements, initially to tackle food safety issues by promoting good aquaculture practices, and gradually encompassing environmental and social as well as animal well-being considerations. These include: improving food safety, traceability and transparency; and enhancing performance, revenue, accountability, data security, and brand protection.