General Equilibrium Models and Policy Advice in Australia, Genetically Modified Products: A Consumer Choice Framework, Global Gains from Liberalising Trade in Telecommunications and Financial Services, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Productivity Growth of Electricity Generators, Guidelines on Accounting Policy for Valuation of Assets of Government Trading Enterprises: Using Current Valuation Methods, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage, Impact of Competition Enhancing Air Services Agreements: A Network Modelling Approach, Impact of Mutual Recognition on Regulations in Australia, Implementing Reforms in Government Services 1998, Implementing the National Competition Policy: Access and Price Regulation, Incorporating Household Survey Data into a CGE Model, Industry Commission Annual Report 1989-90, Industry Commission Annual Report 1990-91, Industry Commission Annual Report 1991-92, Industry Commission Annual Report 1992-93, Industry Commission Annual Report 1993-94, Industry Commission Annual Report 1994-95, Industry Commission Annual Report 1995-96, Industry Commission Annual Report 1996-97, Industry Competitiveness, Trade and the Environment, Influences on Indigenous Labour Market Outcomes, Information Technology and Australia's Productivity Surge, Infrastructure Australia's National Infrastructure Audit, Institutional Arrangements for the Regulation of Natural and Mandated Monopolies, Insurance and Superannuation Commission (ISC) Discussion Papers on Derivatives, An Integrated Tariff Analysis System: Software and Database, Integrating Rural and Urban Water Markets in South East Australia: Preliminary analysis, Interim Report of the Reference Group on Welfare Reform, International Comparisons of Plant Productivity - Domestic Water Heaters, International Negotiations on Investment Liberalisation, International Performance Indicators - Road Freight, International Performance Indicators Telecommunications 1995, International Telecommunications Reform in Australia, Introducing Bilateral Exchange Rates in Global CGE Models, Investments in Intangible Assets and Australia's Productivity Growth, Investments in Intangible Assets and Australia's Productivity Growth: Sectoral Estimates, Irrigation externalities: pricing and charges, Labour Force Participation of Women Over 45, Labour's Share of Growth in Income and Prosperity, Land Degradation and the Australian Agricultural Industry, Links Between Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Labour Market Outcomes, Linking Inputs and Outputs: Activity Measurement by Police Services, Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Labour Market Outcomes in Australia, Living, Labour and Environmental Standards and the WTO, Long-Term Aged Care: Expenditure Trends and Projections, Measures of Restrictions on Trade in Services Database, Measuring the Contributions of Productivity and Terms of Trade to Australia's Economic Welfare, Measuring the Technical Efficiency of Public and Private Hospitals in Australia, Measuring the Total Factor Productivity of Government Trading Enterprises, Mechanisms for Improving the Quality of Regulations: Australia in an International Context, Men Not at Work: An Analysis of Men Outside the Labour Force, Micro Reform - Impacts on Firms: Aluminium Case Study, Microeconomic Reform and Productivity Growth, Microeconomic Reform and Structural Change in Employment, Microeconomic Reforms in Australia: A Compendium from the 1970s to 1997, Microeconomic reforms and the revival in Australia's growth in productivity and living standards, Modelling Possible Impacts of GM Crops on Australian Trade, Modelling Water Trade in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin, Modelling the Effects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, Modified Demographic and Economic Model (MoDEM 1.0), Multifactor Productivity Growth Cycles at the Industry Level, Multilateral Liberalisation of Services Trade, National Competition Policy Review of Pharmacy, National Competition Policy Review of the Wheat Marketing Act 1989, National Competition Policy: Draft Legislative Package, National Health Performance Framework Report 2000, National Health Performance Framework Report 2001, National Indigenous Reform Agreement: Performance Assessment 2013-14, National Partnership Performance Reporting, National Satisfaction Survey of Clients of Disability Services, On Productivity: concepts and measurement, On Productivity: the influence of natural resource inputs, Part IIIB – Why There is No Economic Case for Additional Access Regulations, Part Time Employment: the Australian Experience, Payroll Tax in the Costing of Government Services, Performance Measures for Councils: Improving Local Government Performance Indicators, Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia's Population Conference, Population Distribution and Telecommunication Costs, Potential Effects of Selected Taxation Provisions on the Environment, Pre-merger Notification and the Trade Practices Act 1974, Precaution and the Precautionary Principle: two Australian case studies, Precaution: Principles and practice in Australian environmental and natural resource management, Prevalence of Transition Pathways in Australia, Price Effects of Regulation: International Air Passenger Transport, Telecommunications and Electricity Supply, Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading, Principles and Guidelines for National Standard Setting and Regulatory Action by Ministerial Councils and Standard-Setting Bodies, Productivity Gains from Policy Reforms, ICTs and Structural Transformation, Productivity Growth and Australian Manufacturing Industry. /*-->*/ Workforce Participation Rates - How Does Australia Compare? Statement of Government Policy. 1800 675 398. Productivity, Innovation and Review of the Workplace Relations Regulatory Framework, Reconsidering the Sacred Cow of Housing: Policies for an Ageing Australia, The Case for Infrastructure Pricing Reform - What water can teach roads, Remarks at the 2015 Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference, An Economist and a Lawyer Went to Lunch ... some reflections on the Productivity Commission's Access to Civil Justice Inquiry, Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development and Social Progress, The Future of the Multilateral Trading System, The Challenge for Trade Policy in a Dynamic World and Regional Setting: An Indonesian Perspective, China's Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis, Latin America in the Global Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, Economic and Regulatory Reforms in Europe: Past Experiences and Future Challenges. Hon Nanaia Mahuta. I won’t waste words: today hurts. Media Statements. Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta today confirmed the Government will create four publicly owned water entities to ensure every New Zealander has access to affordable, long-lasting drinking, waste and storm water infrastructure without ballooning costs to households and families. Will Reformed Human Services Markets be a Good Thing for Older Australians? [CDATA[>*/ Western Australian legislation. The Hon Keith Pitt MP . Department for Innovation and Skills. Department of the Premier and Cabinet. A $193m plan to save koalas in NSW will be announced “very soon” as the state Environment Minister concedes the government “needs to do a lot better” to protect the iconic species. Our state received 30,000 net interstate migrants in 2020, and we are expecting another 85,000 Australians – the equivalent of a city the size of Rockhampton – to call Queensland home over the next 4 years. As the peak industry body, WALGA advocates on behalf of WA's 139 Local Governments and negotiates service agreements for the sector. Investing in climate action to protect CBR. 2015-2016 Commonwealth Consolidated Financial Statements. Discover a range of information about the Government of Western Australia. The Productivity Commission acts as the Secretariat for the Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision. Part F includes performance reporting for Aged care services, Services for people with disability, Child protection services and Youth justice services. Committed to achieving the best health and wellbeing for all Victorians. Working and business in NSW Start or grow a business, export or import goods, or find information on industries, employment, events and doing business in NSW. Are we overcoming Indigenous disadvantage? 24/7 Coronavirus Hotline. For updated details, including State of Emergency Declarations and Directions, visit COVID-19 coronavirus: State of Emergency Declarations. Please note that due to the age of these documents they may not meet current web publishing requirements and may not be compatible with some software. State Government extends cheap airfares program with Qantas and Virgin to North West tourist destinations. Releases will appear on the Productivity Commission website at 21 October 2021. Email: Yesterday at 02:30 PM. Canberra is set to remain the national leader in taking action against climate change and environmental protection. Department for Trade and Investment. Part B includes performance reporting for Early childhood education and care (ECEC), School education and Vocational education and training (VET). Special Minister of State; Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts. Title: Australian Government Response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety ISBN: 978-1-76007-434-0 Online ISBN: 978-1-76007-435-7 Publications Number: DT0001655 Creative Commons Licence This publication is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License Regulatory review process; Guidance for policy makers ; Published Regulatory Impact Statements; Regulator performance framework; Lodge Regulatory Impact Analysis assessment; Regulatory Impact Analysis training; Register for Regulatory Impact Analysis training; … The Steering Committee will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on future editions of this Report. Tom Zaunmayr. */ The Western Australian public sector is a diverse group of approximately 130 employing agencies working to deliver services to the community. The 2021 RoGS was progressively released between 20 January and 2 February 2021. Pursuit of Transparency and Accountability, Challenges, Threats and Opportunities for Australian International Trade, Productivity and Policy Challenges in an Environment of Pervasive Uncertainty, Data - The Thing that Ties it All Together. Attorney General; Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence . .card-grid.icon-blocks-multiple-wrapper h2 {margin-bottom: 0 !important;} Tom Zaunmayr Broome Advertiser. Structural reform Australian-style: lessons for others? Damien Tudehope. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts and Crafts, Register of Foreign-owned Water Entitlements, Wealth Transfers and their Economic Effects, An Ageing Australia: Preparing for the Future, Aspects of Structural Change in Australia, Assessing Environmental Regulatory Arrangements for Aquaculture, Assistance to Tourism: Exploratory Estimates, Australia's International Tourism Industry, Competition, Innovation and Productivity in Australian Businesses, Constraints on Private Conservation of Biodiversity, Developments in Anti-Dumping Arrangements. Australia's Mining Boom: what's the problem? While Western Australia's constitutional laws provide for the Governor to act as Head of State, most of the Governor's constitutional powers are exercised on advice from Government Ministers, principally the Premier. Working and learning in Tasmania.