Grass trees are found in all Australian states and territories, especially on the east and west coast. (The larger . [14], They need fire to clear away dead leaves and promote flowering, as these slow-growing trees were among the first flowering plants to evolve. It survives in the poorest soils, with a shallow root system, enabling it easily access nutrients from decaying litter, while storing all the food reserves in its stem. Savanna tree-grass interactions may be particularly sensitive to climate change. Most grass trees have thick, woody, often palmlike stems that can reach about 5 metres (16 feet) tall, though some species are low-growing. Parts Used: leaves for animal fodder. ex Link) J.A. Within 1,000 Feet of State Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers . Mycorrhiza is fungi that live in a mutually beneficial relationship with the grass tree roots. preissii. Bermuda Grass. Genus: Pennistum. Found inside – Page 532SCIENTIFIC NAME REGION Sporobolus spicatus Eragrostis tef Hyparrhenia Tristachya Afrotropics Afrotropics Afrotropics Afrotropics Xanthorrhoea Australasia Eucalyptus socialis Australasia Avicennia marina Afrotropics Sarcobatus ... Certain species are also known as grass gums because of the red or yellow gumlike resins that exude from the base of old leaves. They include: X. australis, X. johnsonii, X. preissii, to name four well-known types.But perhaps one of the best known, and certainly the hardiest of the grass trees, is X. glauca, sometimes simply referred to as the Glauca Grass Tree.. Continue reading about Glauca Grass Trees. Found inside – Page 237Scientific. Names. Common Name Fungi (Cup fungi, no common name) Fly agaric (introduced) Globular dermocybe Southern ... False sarsaparilla Fireweed groundsel Grass-tree Grey box Heartleaf Appendix B: Australian Common and Scientific Names. Shrubs, succulents, and trees are minor components of the mixed-grass prairie vegetative community. Found inside – Page 232... who designed by the character tain oriental alphabets , whence the scientific name , to grass ... A genus of lichens . lodge of farmers for the purpose of promoting the The species are found chiefly on the bark of trees . Both are found in north east Tasmania. Photographs are included together with information about common names, aboriginal uses, landscaping uses, and interaction with other species: birds, bees, insects and other fauna.. Common Name: Grass Tree, Balga Grass Plants. Microstegium vimineum (Japanese Stilt Grass) Murdannia keisak (Asian Spiderwort) Miscanthus sinensis . Found inside – Page 97Acres of Documented Nonnative Plant Species in the Project Area Common Name Scientific Name Approximate Acres on ... stilt grass Microstegium vimineum Chinese ( sericea ) Lespedeza cuneata lespedeza 59 9 68 406 3 409 < 1 < 1 Tree of ... Donate today to help us continue this and other vital conservation work. Bent Tree Farms is located in southeast Oklahoma and they produce grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, and pastured poultry.Connect with Ben. Although a slow-growing plant, grass trees can grow to a height of 1-5m. Species: dioica. Found insideNational Park Service Grand Canyon National Park June 2009 Final Fire Management Plan EIS / AEF Scientific Name with ... catnip tree tobacco olive Scotch thistle dallisgrass yellow foxtail common timothy date palm smilo grass buckhorn ... Found inside – Page 185grass-trees. Xanthorrhoea johnsonii – in habitat Xanthorrhoea – close-up of flowers. The grass-trees are treated separately ... Full scientific names and synonyms: Xanthorrhoea australis R.Br.; Xanthorrhoea fulva (A.Lee) Bedford [syn. The resin from Xanthorrhoea plants is used in spear-making[22] and is an invaluable adhesive for Aboriginal people, often used to patch up leaky coolamons (water containers) and even yidaki (didgeridoos). P. purpureum is a robust perennial grass widely naturalized in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. But be warned: Not all trees are good trees. Palm trees, of which more than 2,000 species exist, are grouped botanically with grasses, sedges, bamboo, grains, lilies, onions, and orchids. They are the first species to rise from the ash. 9 m) was as much as 40% greater than the same grass species not growing under a tree canopy, whereas nutrient contents of grasses did not differ beneath small trees (<2.3 m). The common name of this plant in Spanish is Palma. Updates? Species: purpureum. and love-grasses (Eragrostis spp.) 5. Chinese Tallow Tree. Resin collected from the plant was used in Australia until the mid-twentieth century for the following purposes:[23], Flora of Tasmania. Grass trees may take several years to flower. All grass trees or Xanthorrhoea species are a slow growing plant and are usually very hardy and long lived. Found inside – Page 151LIST OF COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES Pelage Phylogenetic tree ... dingo Acrobates pygmaeus Distocherus pennatus Felis cattus Corvus coronoides Fox Ghost Bat Grass Tree Greater Glider Green Tree Ant LIST OF COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES. 3. This page lists common names of species profiled on PIER by common name in the Filipino language. The main purpose of having a scientific name is to have a same name accepted and used worldwide. All 66 species of grass tree are endemic to (only found in) Australia. Grass trees are common in many Australian states and are popular with the home gardener. The report reviews current knowledge for xanthorrhoeas (grasstrees) with a focus on Xanthorrhoea johnsonii and X. latifolia, two Queensland protected plants-in-trade. [4], Xanthorrhoea is important to the Aboriginal peoples. Queensland Bottle Trees. Found inside – Page 1Common Name Scientific Name Alfalfa Algae stonewort Alyssum Bean Bean , bush Bermuda grass Birch , river Black locust Black willow tree Bladder Campion Bluestem , big ( prairie grass ) Bluestem , little Bluestem , little Boxwood Buffalo ... Grass trees, belonging to the genera Xanthorrhoea, have a fascinating and unique biology and are some of the most distinctive plants in Australian flora.. Like all grasses, grass trees are actually monocots. Found insideScientific and Common Names of Plants AP - 1 Scientific and Common Names of Animals ... forb Herb , forb Tree , deciduous broadleaf Herb , grass Tree , evergreen conifer Shrub , evergreen Scientific Name Ceanothus spp . I hear Mars is lovely. We measured δ 18 O values of bulk leaf water (δ 18 O LW ) and individual leaf carbohydrates (e.g. In western Australia an unrelated monotypic species, Kingia australis, is sometimes known as grass tree. Photo Wayne Lawler/EcoPix. A national non-profit conserving biodiversity in Australia, More than 1,000 active volunteers support us, Dept of the Environment and Energy: Species Profile and Threats, Dept of the Environment and Energy: National recovery plan for threatened Tasmanian Grass Trees. However, not all species are fire-tolerant: the threatened Grey Grass Tree (X. glauca angustifolia), which is found on JC Griffin Reserve in Victoria, is killed by hot fires and needs protection in the fire-prone landscapes in which it occurs. It grows in dense clumps of up to 10 feet tall. Moderate herbivory enhanced these effects slightly. 2. Found inside – Page 318TREE OR PLANT . NATIVE NAME . SCIENTIFIC NAME . Bu - pu Bunya Pine Bon - yi ( Bon - yee ) Araucaria Bidwillii . Pine similar to New Zealand ... Stinging - tree Braggain Laportea Sp . Grass - tree Dakkabin Xanthorrhea . Cabbage - tree ... We have grass trees on Chingarrup, Kojonup and Monjebup/Monjebup North (WA); Carnarvon, Reedy Creek and Yourka (Qld); Burrin Burrin and Tarcutta (NSW); JC Griffin Reserve in Victoria; and in Tasmania on South Esk and Friendly Beaches where the vulnerable Sand Grass Tree is found. In the Pampas grasslands in South America there is a "tree" called the Ombu. Xanthorrhoea - from the Greek 'xanthos' meaning yellow and 'rheo' meaning to flow; which is a reference to the resin that flows from the stem Johnsonii - after Lawrence A.S. Johnson, 20th century botanist and Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney from 1972 to 1985. The scientific name of Palm Tree is the botanical name or formal name. [4] Flowering occurs in a distinct flowering period, which varies for each species, and often stimulated by bushfire. Scientific name is the name conforming to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). The tree lupin comes from California and is only hardy in the milder areas of temperate climates. Some species within this genus are native species and others came from East Indies. Lupinus arboreus. PlantNet: Genus Xanthorrhoea There are many differences between the species with some having a trunk above the ground and can grow up to six metres tall, while others are shorter with their trunks growing below ground. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. P. purpureum is an aggressive grass that grows rapidly, colonizing new areas and forming dense thickets. However, the acacia tree has an even more powerful defense. Flowers form on a spear-like spike, which can be up to 4m long! This fungus rots the roots of grass trees and causes dieback. They are drought and frost tolerant. In addition, users can learn about the location of vouchered specimens and see images to get a better visual for each plant. It is tolerant of drought and wind, and can also survive in partial shade (although is best grown in full sun). 'Northwind' combines classic switch grass color of olive- to blue-green leaves with a narrow footprint to create a strong, tall grass clump. Annual rainfall is necessary lower than 40mm-120mm and can have dry seasons from 1-12 months long still being able to survive. fructose, glucose and sucrose) in grass and tree species and δ 18 O of leaf cellulose in grasses. Further threats include: land clearance for agriculture and urban development; inappropriate burning; overharvesting of foliage and illegal removal of the plants from their natural habitat for sale as garden plants (the species has very sensitive roots and the chance of grass trees growing after translocation is fraught).5. Includes the updated Technical Note TN.190.B.78 Using 2014 Farm Bill Programs for Pollinator Conservation. Cogongrass. Perennial tree-like monocot, to 5 m high, trunk to over 3 m, scape length 0.6-1.0 m, spike length 1.5-2.5 m. Fl. time for desensitization therapy and a lifetime of zyrtec. It will withstand drought. Glauca Grass Trees. Many species of birds feed on seeds from this genus, and some species are Phytophthora cinnamomi is a discrete soil borne pathogen that attacks and destroys vascular root systems, causing hosts to perish through lack of nutrients and water. In areas where it is suited, it makes an excellent pioneer species for the smaller garden. Once pollinated, the flowers form a tough, pointed fruit capsule that’s typically matt-black. at Breast Ht.) Include vertical interest in your plantings with tall ornamental grasses. Each plant is defined by its scientific name. Ian Menkins, an amateur botanist from Queensland has been growing numerous grass tree species in amongst cacti and other succulents, successfully within a garden setting for about 30 years.The image below is only part of his garden, however it does clearly show three very different Xanthorrhoea species, all flowering annually. Most of our operating costs are funded by generous individuals. Russian knapweed; Asteraceae P; Forb Aegilops cylindrica Host jointed goatgrass; Poaceae A; Grass Agropyron desertorum (Fisch. [3][4], Flowers are borne on a long spike above a bare section called a scape; the total length can be over three four metres long in some species. Plants. [18], Commonly grown species for the garden include Xanthorrhoea australis, X. malacophylla and X. Blended-seed mixtures: Blended-seed mixtures combine several different kinds of the same grass species to capitalize on the strengths of each variety. Grass trees are also known as 'yacca', which is likely derived from a South Australian Aboriginal language, mostly likely Kaurna. It then produces a signal to let other trees in the area know that grazers are on their way. The Grey Grass Tree (X. glauca angustifolia), found on JC Griffin Reserve, is listed as Threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act in Victoria. They have densely bushy crowns of long, stiff, slightly sharp-edged leaves that look a bit like yucca . Xanthorrhoea Australis [PDF]. Grass trees on Yourka Reserve. [citation needed] The Aboriginal people called the plants Balga because after a bush fire had ravaged the land, the blackened trunk of the Xanthorrhoea would be revealed beneath the burned lower leaves, and would resemble a child like black figure. And, OK: There is some overlap in these categories. Each stem measures up to around five inches long and is sheathed in tiny pale green foliage that has a thick hair-like quality, pointing out in the opposite direction of the red stems. [16] The grass tree also suffers from a condition known as phytophthera dieback. Both are found in north east Tasmania. Grasstrees show fire history. The invalid Acoroides (‘Acorus-like’[8]) was a temporary designation in Solander's manuscript from his voyage with Cook, originally not meant for publication.[7]. Photo Wayne Lawler/EcoPix. They are hardy in USDA zones 7-11. "L." following scientific name designates a species named by Linnaeus circa. This C 4 grass is included in the Global Compendium of Weeds where it is listed as an agricultural and environmental weed as well as an invasive species (Randall, 2012). Both genera have at times been confused with xanthorrhoeas and misnamed as "grasstrees". The resins are used for varnish.. We identified and measured xylem vessels in 539 individual root cross sections. The fungus increases the tree root’s access to water and nutrients and therefore increases tree growth especially in poor conditions. Found inside – Page 281A typical patch of cabbage trees, unprotected in farmland, with old trees showing trunk damage, no regeneration and an open, ... and so can Aloe bainsii in South Africa, while in Australia, the grass tree, Xanthorrhoea, adds a Table 1. Studies of some of the taller species found that trunk height increases at about 0.8cm to 6cm per year, but this varies with local environmental conditions1. The grass tree mainly occurs in soils that are very free draining and consequently low in nutrients. It is an evergreen, water-loving tree, which grows to a height of 8 -15 m. The leaves are elliptic to circular, bluish green on top and a paler green below. (2016). Populations of many species of grass tree have been devastated by Phytophthora cinnomonia, or Cinnamon Fungus. Found inside – Page xxiiiSTUDY AREAS Scientific Name Common Name Alternative Acacia decurrens Acer palmatum Acer sp . ... agoseris Henderson's bent - grass Tree - of - heaven European hairgrass Water plantain Clasping onion Vernal pool foxtail Fiddleneck ... Found inside – Page 16Tuckerman Agrostis elliottiana Schultes – Annual tickle grass [Annual ticklegrass] (155) (1942), Elliot's bent grass ... Ailanthus (50, 138, 155) (1923–present), Ailantus tree 16 Agrostis elata (Pursh) Trin. scientific names index. Read More ». Usually, this tree tends to live in area's of good soil and good grass. 'Monocot' is short for monocotyledon, which refers to plants that have only one leaf arising from a germinating seed. Grass Trees - Xanthorrhoea species for sale retail direct to the public and Grass Tree Nurseries. The slow growth rate means that it can take 30 years to achieve a specimen with a significant trunk. In the South West, the Noongar name balga' is used for X. preissii. Some form a ‘trunk’ from old leaf bases stacked on top of each other and stuck together by a naturally occurring resin. There are about 30 species, but only 3-4 are found in culitavation in the US. [13], The grass tree has developed adaptations that help it better suit the environment where it occurs. . Historically, woody species, such as eastern redcedar and hackberry, were restricted to ravines, canyons, and riparian areas and covered a mere 1% of the region. What we do. They're all perennial, flowering plants. Grass Trees or Xanthorrhoea species for sale. Found insideThis book is a coollection of papers that where presented at the 1979 symposium on 'The Biology of Native Australian Plants', held at the University of Western Australia. DCNR has deemed these trees, shrubs, vines, herbs, and aquatic plants to be invasive on state lands. In South Australia, Xanthorrhoea is commonly known as yakka, also spelled yacca and yacka, a name probably from a South Australian Aboriginal language,[9] mostly likely Kaurna. Elephant Grass. The grasses were grown under two relative humidity (rH) conditions. [6], A reference to its yellow resin,[2] Xanthorrhoea literally means "yellow flow" in Ancient Greek. Elephant grass is a tall grass that originally came from Africa in 1913. [citation needed], The rate of growth of Xanthorrhoea is very slow. Found inside – Page 501 Scientific Name Common Name Life 4 Longevity ? ... Elymus canadensis Elymus macounii Elymus virginius Salix alba Var . vitellina F G G G P P z 2 z 2 H D D · D Tall - grass Mid - grass Mid - grass Tree W Willow , heart - leaved Willow ... Other Tree Names. The model accounted for water availability and estimated grass and tree water uptake by depth over a growing season. Actually, after the initial establishment phase, the rate of growth varies widely from species to species. Acacia trees are pioneer species. It is guarded by four species of aggressive ants. We found that grass leaf content (N and P) beneath the crowns of particularly large (ca. Grasses. Plants hold soil in place, protect stream banks and shores, filter pollutants, offer food for livestock and cover for wildlife. The following is a guide to the prairie plant species that can be found in the restored Uhler Prairie of the Linnaeus Arboretum. The "trunk" of Xanthorrhoea is a hollow ring of accumulated leaf bases. Grass trees at JC Griffin Reserve in Victoria. These species live in the tree and protect them from grazers by running out in large groups and stinging any grazer that dares come near. The Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea australis) is a distinctive looking, slow-growing plant, ranging from those without visible trunks, to tree-like specimens up to 6 metres high.Great as a specimen plant for any garden or to soften up some harsh edges on rockeries. Mature Tree DBH (Diam. Common Name: Napier grass, Uganda grass. ex Kite, not validly published. Common names for Xanthorrhoea include grasstree, grass gum-tree (for its resin-yielding species),[2] kangaroo tail and blackboy. [5][4], Xanthorrhoea is allied to the family Asphodelaceae as monotypic subfamily Xanthorrhoeoideae. Bushveld honeysuckle-tree (English) Bushveld peacock-berry (English) Bushveld red-balloon (English) Bushveld saffron (English) Bushveld shepherds tree (English) Bushveld signal grass (English) Bushy bulbine (English) Bushy three-thorn acacia (English) Butter-berry (English) Butterfly lobelia (English) C Cabbage tree (English) Calceolaria cassia . Found inside – Page 122Vegetation of the Truk Islands Scientific name Trukese name English name Remarks Growth habit Occurrence by unit ... coffee finger grass Chloris inflata Clerodendrum inerme Clinostigma carolinensis Cocos nucifera grass shrub tree tree ... Xanthorrhoea priessii is a Western Australian species. Young leaves are reddish. All species have been given the common name of 'grass trees' as they are 'monocots', which are able to form trunks from their long, thin leaves. It grows about 1.5 metres tall, and will do that in its first year from seed. [1] The Xanthorrhoeoideae are monocots, part of order Asparagales. Umbrella Thorn Acacia is also known as Acacia Tortillis, it's Latin name. [citation needed], The grass tree has a symbiosis relationship with Mycorrhiza deep in its root system. One of the most common tree species found in these grasslands is the Waterberry ( Syzygium cordatum) or Umdoni tree in Zulu. Flower spikes make fishing spear shafts and firesticks; the tough seed pods are used as cutting implements; and the flower’s nectar forms a sweet, slightly fermented drink. Xanthorroea australis at Friendly Beaches Reserve (Tas). References The grass tree is important to Aboriginal people across Australia. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The grass blades are flat and ribbon-like, growing to 14 inches (35.5 cm) long and ½ inch (10 mm) wide. Overall, the best type of grass for your yard is determined by many factors. In Australia Cinnamon Fungus infection threatens several plants with extinction. [citation needed], The genus Xanthorrhoea, more commonly known as the grass tree, is an iconic plant that epitomizes the Australian bush in its ability to live in poor nutrient soils and respond to wildfire. There are 28 distinct species of grass tree that are native to Australia. Found inside – Page 38Some names that have arisen naturally from popular culture present other problems , like snottygobble ( Persoonia elliptica ) and blackboy ( Xanthorrhoea preissii ) . One is forced to ask of a ' popular ' name like ' blackboy ' ... We tested the effects of maintenance and removal of grass and seed deposition (buried and unburied) on seed germination of 12 tree species in dry forest pastures. Plants Rescue: Xanthorrhoea johnsonii Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). A grass tree experiencing die back from a pathogen. It is tolerant of drought and wind, and can also survive in partial shade (although is best grown in full sun). Many species of trees have Other Common Names in different languages, however the Latin Botanical Scientific Name for each species of tree is universal among languages and countries. [2] Retrieved from, Parks Victoria. Noosa's Native Plants is a website dedicated to the description of local plants of the Noosa Shire. While they do grow slowly, quite attractive plants with short trunks (10 cm) and leaf crowns up to 1.5 m (to the top of the leaves) can be achieved in 10 years. Many, but not all, species develop an above ground stem. Acacia's are a nitrogen fixing species that improve the soil fertility. This species was one of the plants used by the winning garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. In the bush the flowers could reveal directions, since flowers on the warmer, sunnier side – usually north – of the spike often open before the flowers on the cooler side facing away from the sun.[21]. All are perennials and have a secondary thickening meristem in the stem. believe that the plant, with its bush fire blackened trunk and long flower spike resembled an Aboriginal boy wielding a spear. Natural tree regeneration in abandoned pastures can be hampered by various biotic and abiotic filters, including seed removal and predation. Retrieved from, Petruzzello, M. (2017) Playing with Wildfire: 5 Amazing Adaptations of Pyrophytic Plants. In the savannas of Africa it grows along lake beds and rivers where the soil is rich. Flower plumes appear in midsummer, bringing the total height to 7 . Habitat: Coastal heaths, wet and dry forests Season: All year From top to bottom, this plant had many uses. Retrieved from, This page was last edited on 27 June 2021, at 07:35. The species listed are managed by DCNR staff. 10 Grass Tree Xanthorrhoea species . One of the most common tree species found in these grasslands is the Waterberry ( Syzygium cordatum) or Umdoni tree in Zulu. Dept of the Environment and Energy: Species Profile and Threats Omissions? [citation needed] Others[who?] Where present, old leaves often hang down and form a ‘skirt’ around the base of the trunk. Found inside – Page 430Scientific and Popular, Including in the Case of Each Plant the Correct Botanical Name in Accordance with the ... 431 Grass - tree 2133. b Guamuchil 1e08 . a Gum - wax 1210. b Grass - weed 2158. a Guarana 1518. a Gumbo limbo 330. a ... Some species have a restricted range, others are widely distributed. They have a root system, where microbes called mycorrhiza surround the roots in a symbiotic relationship, which helps the plant take up nutrients. Xanthorrhoea species are yet to be assessed by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, but under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, the Shiny Grass Tree (X. bracteates) is Endangered and the Sand Grass Tree (X. arenaria) is considered Vulnerable to extinction4. Found inside – Page 431When light exclusion is this severe, there is no point in replanting grass unless the trees are cut down. ... Correct management of turf in the shade is COMMON NaMe sCieNtiFiC NaMe Bugleweed or carpet bugle Ajuga reptans Wild ginger ... The richest genera of grasses are the panic-grasses (Panicum spp.) We grew seedlings of 21 tree and 18 grass species (N = 5 individuals per species) from the southern African savanna biome under greenhouse conditions and collected fine-root segments from plants for histological analysis. Bamboo plant. Found inside – Page 59HABIT Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Tree Tree Tree Palo misanteco Gulf licaria Tree Tree Tree Page 60 NO . SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME HABIT DISTRIBUTION. Page 59 NO . SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME DISTRIBUTION CAUSE GRAMINEAE ( Con ... Found inside – Page 125Amongst the most remarkable trees of Australia are the Kingia , one of the Rush family ( Juncacea ) , and the Xanthorrhæa , which belongs to the family of Lilies , both of which go commonly by the name of “ Grass - trees . Photo by author. They are found in sandy dunes and rocky scarps. Grass tree. [15] The resins are used for varnish. Nature has also spawned some literal bad seeds that drop grass-killing nuts, grow roots that bust water pipes, or even smell like human waste. Bushveld honeysuckle-tree (English) Bushveld peacock-berry (English) Bushveld red-balloon (English) Bushveld saffron (English) Bushveld shepherds tree (English) Bushveld signal grass (English) Bushy bulbine (English) Bushy three-thorn acacia (English) Butter-berry (English) Butterfly lobelia (English) C Cabbage tree (English) Calceolaria cassia . Nurseries charge high prices for the plants. Found inside – Page 136... spotted ladysthumb trifoliate orange curly pondweed Callery pear ( Bradford pear ) itchgrass Himalayan blackberry bagpod tropical soda apple johnsongrass Florida hedgenettle tungoil tree Scientific Name Akebia quinata ( Houtt . ) ... Pampas grass is a beautiful ornamental variety with large clumps of foliage and feathery plumes. Grass trees, belonging to the genera Xanthorrhoea, have a fascinating and unique biology and are some of the most distinctive plants in Australian flora.. Like all grasses, grass trees are actually monocots. Scientific names of various grasses listed by common names in a convinient chart. Smith named it in 1798,[7] from xanthos (‘yellow, golden’) and rhœa (‘flowing, flow’). Found inside – Page 42Scientific Name Common Names Family Habit grass tree herb vine shrub herb grass grass tree English : elephant grass , napier grass , merker grass ; French : herbe Pennisetum purpureum éléphant , fausse canne à sucre ; Spanish : pasto ...