The 4 serial war criminal countries of the UK, US, Australia and Apartheid Israel belong to an Orwellian  mutual admiration society that denies the horrendous racist and indeed genocidal atrocities in which they have been involved. Gideon Polya, “Review: “Silent Invasion. The 3 serial war criminal countries of the AUKUS Alliance each have an appalling record of invading other countries.  The ratio of Carbon Debt/GDP = $686 billion/  $1,393 billion = 0.49 i.e. (9). England and Scotland followed with 45.2% and 43.5% respectively. The Research & Statistics section is a reservoir of Gem & Jewellery Exports/Imports statistics collected, compiled & disseminated by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council. it is the world’s biggest coal and gas exporter and the very  worst in the Developed World for climate policy)  already threatens and deeply offends existentially climate change-threatened Island nations [44]),  and the AUKUS deal further entrenches nuclear terrorism in the Indo-Pacific. The world’s biggest defence budgets in 2019. Thus, for example, non-aligned Indonesia (population 273.5 million) will be forced to react to actually and potentially nuclear–armed and nuclear-powered submarines secretly traversing its waters. Australia severed most constitutional links with the UK in 1942, and in 1951 signed the Australia, New Zealand, and US (ANZUS) Treaty, cementing its military alliance with the US. One notes that AUKUS is pronounced the same as “Orcus”, the Roman God  for punishing those who break oaths, lie and perjure themselves. [30]. As a UK and thence US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries as compared to the UK 193, the US 72 (52 after WW2), France 82, Germany 39, Japan 30, Russia 25, Canada 25, Apartheid Israel 12,  China 2, North Korea 0, and Iran (none for 1,400 years) [14]. [17]. Rod McGuirk and Dave Clark, “Australia-EU trade deal to be delayed due to submarines row, official says”, Wales Online, 21 September 2021: . Australia is the UK's 14th largest export market, and trade between the UK and Australia totalled £14.5 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q3 2020 (ONS, 2020). The AUKUS deal has renewed insistent calls for a  major  nuclear waste industry (e.g. War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the worst in racism, noting that  according to Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention: “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group” [30]. (6). For more … Gideon Polya, “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” , 400 pages, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020 (see : ).  Australia played a key role in UK acquisition  of nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems,  and continues to play  a key role in US nuclear terrorism through the Australian Pine Gap and North West Cape communications bases. Support honest journalism because we have no PLANET B. Greatly increased nuclear threat to Australia from the AUKUS Alliance. One notes that “democracy” surely means  “expression of the fundamental wishes of the people” and these “fundamental wishes” are surely a long life for themselves and their children, good health services, good education, good governance, and economic and physical  security – things provided by One Party China but not for most people in ostensibly “democratic” India that is actually a One Percenter-dominated corporatocracy, plutocracy and kleptocracy. #6 Cereals (AUD$7.1 billion) The world’s biggest defence budgets in 2019. Of that £15.7bn, the report by the economic research consultancy said that the total direct, indirect and induced impact of educational exports on the UK economy was a staggering £732m. “Aboriginal Genocide”:  . Australia’s nuclear powered submarines will potentially be covertly or overtly nuclear armed  simply on the basis of (US-directed) government fiat. CSV XML EXCEL. However after a retaliatory nuclear attack on a US-allied  Australian target (e.g. 10. U.S., UK, Australia launch AUKUS: A new 'anti-Beijing' military pact Australians will be able to build nuclear submarines with US technology. The institution is attracting “many international students”, as its higher education offering is a “tradable activity with important and exports like any other tradable sector”, the report … Australia is the UK's 14th largest export market, and trade between the UK and Australia totalled £14.5 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q3 2020 (ONS, 2020). "Sheepmeat imports into the UK have been in decline since 2009, dropping from 116,000 tonnes to just under 60,000 tonnes in 2020. Australia severed most constitutional links with the UK in 1942, and in 1951 signed the Australia, New Zealand, and US (ANZUS) Treaty, cementing its military alliance with the US. (3). Gideon Polya, “Australian xenophobia targets China but ignores huge Israeli subversion of Australia”, Countercurrents, 7 July 2018: . The cowardly and uninformed Australian electorate rejected Whitlam at the following election, and the wounded  Labor Party adopted the pragmatic, cowardly and unprincipled  policy of “All the way with the USA”. The Australian economy is set to become the world’s 12th largest economy in 2021, up two places from 2019, according to the International Monetary Fund. [16]. Australia, the US and Apartheid Israel were involved in the 1987 and 2000 Coups in Fiji (Apartheid Israel supplied advanced weapons to the criminal rebels in both Coups) [13, 31, 32]. “Experts: US did 9/11”: . The 3 serial war criminal countries of the AUKUS Alliance each have an appalling record of invading other countries. Using innovative visualizations, the book locates each country in the product space, provides complexity and growth potential rankings for 128 countries, and offers individual country pages with detailed information about a country's ... What upsets the endlessly greedy, racist and exceptionalist Americans is China’s economic progress that has seen China overcome centuries of violation with an extraordinary  economic miracle has taken 800 million people out of poverty and put China  on track to become the world’s biggest economy. AUKUS betrayal of trust and France will at least delay any  Australia-EU Trade Deal. Exports from Indonesia increased 47.64 percent from a year earlier to USD 20.60 billion in September of 2021, far below market consensus of a 51.57 percent rise and after a 64.1 percent jump in the prior month, amid softening global demand and rising commodity prices. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. During the last five reported years the exports of United Kingdom have changed by -$44.8B from $491B in 2014 to $446B in 2019. 1.4 A fair … Australia's per-capita GDP is higher than that of the UK, Canada, Germany and France in terms of purchasing ... but slipped back to second highest after Switzerland in 2019.  Gideon Polya, “Polya’s 3 Laws Of Economics Expose Deadly, Dishonest  And Terminal Neoliberal Capitalism”, Countercurrents,  17 October, 2015: . It was the third straight decline in total exports as goods shipments plunged 4.6% while services sales went up 0.9%. The scrapping of the A$90 billion contract for supply of French submarines, the agreement for Australia to get US-designed nuclear-powered submarines, and the  formation of the nuclear-armed Australia, UK and US  (AUKUS)  Alliance to dominate Asia and   the Indo-Pacific, were all massive decisions made in secret without public consultation or political debate in the 3 countries involved. Journalists have been raided and threatened for revealing Australian war crimes in Afghanistan [46]. The industry association reported that from January to November 2019, lamb exports were up 5% from 2018. (10). Indeed this unthinkable lunacy is widespread in the US-dominated Anglosphere – Google the phrase “war with China” and one gets 10,900,000 results. [7]. AUKUS deceit trashes trust in Australia and “national security”; nuclear  mass  murder is an utterly unacceptable military strategy. Australia accounted for 0.4% of UK goods imports and 1.3% of UK goods exports in the first half of 2020. Australia has been critically involved in UK and US nuclear terrorism for 75 years (supply of uranium, involvement in testing of UK weapons and missile delivery systems, hosting of nuclear weapons-carrying US warships, world-leading uranium enrichment technology, and  crucial involvement in US nuclear terrorism via the Pine Gap and North West Cape communications bases) [3]. Australia’s total wealth was AUD$10.9 trillion as of September 2019. Back in the Vietnam War days we used to chant “Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today?” As of 2020 about 7.5 million people die  avoidably each year from imposed deprivation on Spaceship Earth with a child-killing America in charge of the flight deck – about 50% of the 7.5 million avoidably dead are children and thus 7.5 million/2 = 3.75 million children die thus annually or 3.75 million/365.25 = 10,267 i.e. Australia's total wealth was estimated to be AUD$10.9 trillion as of September 2019. A report by London Economics has revealed that the University of Oxford contributed a grand total of £15.7bn to the UK economy in the 2018/19 financial year. Except for ethnically cleansed Diego Garcia, the nuclear terrorist and serial war criminal UK was  thankfully gone from the Indo-Pacific region but has now returned via AUKUS in a vile resurrection of its evil and murderous colonial past from Africa through Asia to the Pacific.  The outrageously routine  lying and other appalling misconduct of President Donald Trump acted as a safety valve  for the severely compromised moral and intellectual integrity of cowardly Australian Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes who for 4 years were “permitted” to  criticize Trump and Trump America if not the US per se. The most recent exports are led by Cars ($39.4B), Gas Turbines ($25.6B), Gold ($24B), Crude Petroleum ($22.6B), and Packaged Medicaments ($19B). Forecast Growth 2019 7.8% VisitBritain, 2019 SECTION 1: Volume and Value of the UK Tourism Industry 1: The Value of Tourism The UK Tourism Industry’s International Ranking • The UK is the seventh largest international tourism destination ranked by visitor numbers. The US-backed West Pakistan army killed 3 million Bengalis and raped 0.3 million women and girls (1950-2005 Bangladeshi excess deaths 51.2 million). The British kept most of the Indian population close to the edge of starvation and governed with the help of well-fed Indian soldiers (sepoys). John Pilger, “The coming war on China”, You-Tube: . Thou shalt not kill children. [28]. [32]. (10). “Orcus”, Wikipedia: . Found insideIn 2019, Australia and Singapore have a GDP per capita of over $55,000 while six Commonwealth countries have a GDP ... In 2016, UK exports to the Commonwealth were worth £48.5 billion; British imports from the Commonwealth were £45.9 ... Australia’s GDP will be around A$2 trillion (US$1.6 trillion). Required fields are marked *. In 2019-20, two-way goods and services trade was valued at $36.7 billion, making the UK Australia’s fifth-largest trading partner. Australia’s GDP will be around A$2 trillion (US$1.6 trillion). [50]. Nuclear terrorist AUKUS increases the  existential threat to  Australia, Humanity and the Biosphere from nuclear weapons. [11]. Every time we seek to persuade another nation to trust us, somebody will be saying, ‘remember what you did to Macron?’ When you conduct yourself in such a deceitful manner internationally, it has a real impact on Australia” [10]. The Budget is also boosting exports by extending UK Export Finance’s direct lending scheme by £2 billion in 2020-21 and 2021-22. Polya’s Second Law of Economics states that deceit over Cost of Production inevitably increases under ruthless neoliberalism [39].  Thus the highly abusive and genocidal  54-year Apartheid Israeli Occupation of Occupied Palestine (present population 5.2 million) and the violent, 73-year exclusion from Palestine of  Exiled Palestinians (presently 8 million) are backed by the UK, US and Australia, while the Chinese construction of shipping-protecting man-made islands on uninhabited reefs in the South China Sea is described by egregiously exceptionalist  AUKUS as “aggression” that “threatens the world”. US lackey Australia has gone out of its way to show its blind loyalty to the US by publicly and repeatedly insulting China, Australia’s biggest trading partner. Found inside – Page 757EXPORTED TO1908 1909 1910 EXPORTED TO1906 1907 WOOD , AND MANUFACTURES OF - Continued . LUMBER - Continued . ... United Kingdom England . Scotland Ireland . ... OCEANIA : British - Australia and Tasmania .. Philippine Islands . (9). Between 2010 and 2013, much of the economic growth in Australia was attributed to areas of the country … The US submarines will be far more expensive than the  French submarines, will involve less Australian input, lock Australia into the child-killing and nuclear terrorist US for decades, and will not be delivered until 2040. DataBank. A rainy Wednesday morning. Just like any other morning. In the rain. Except that it wasn't. Emily's life turned upside down in the blink of an eye.A chance encounter in a coffee shop folds away the years.A sweet story of second chances. Poverty kills and 2020 estimates for “annual avoidable deaths from deprivation”  and “annual avoidable deaths as a % of population” in these countries are as follows: India (1,213,300, 0.0879%), China (249,260, 0.0173%), Japan (2,570, 0.0020%), Australia (1,560, 0.0061%), UK (4,330, 0.0064%) and the US (38,930, 0.0185%). The AUKUS (Orcus) deal was deceptive, duplicitous and dishonourable in relation to France and exposes mendacious Australia as extremely untrustworthy. This year’s report presents evidence that the absolute number of people who suffer from hunger continues to slowly increase. The report also highlights that food insecurity is more than just hunger. Indeed a morally decent Australia would go further, sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), leave its alliance with the genocidally racist, and mother- and child-killing UK and US, and urge and implement comprehensive international Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against all NWS and non-NWS countries involved in nuclear terrorism. [29]. The 3 serial war criminal countries of the AUKUS Alliance each have an appalling record of invading other countries.  “Deceptive, duplicitous and dishonourable” as descriptives for the conservative  half  of White Australia barely get to first base –  other key descriptives are genocide complicit, holocaust complicit, genocide ignoring, holocaust ignoring, genocide denying, holocaust denying, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, Sinophobic, anti-Asian, genocidally racist, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (re anti-racist Jews), anti-science,  anti-environment, speciescidal, ecocidal, omnicidal, terracidal,  anti-human rights, anti-Indigenous, serial war criminal, Stupid, Ignorant and Egregiously Greedy (SIEG),  thieving, lying, mendacious, child abusing, mother abusing, cowardly, profoundly corrupt, fascoid (quasi-fascist) , and, of course,  endlessly self-deceiving. Apart from US lackey Australia and the US, the only other non-Indigenous  European powers with a major military presence in the Indian Ocean or the South Pacific are nuclear-armed France and anti-nuclear  New Zealand. Found inside – Page 28... Japan Australia Australia China Netherlands S.Korea Russia U.K. New Zealand Compared with the same period of 2019 , the number and the export value was 243 million U.S. dollars , a and value of complete bicycles exports , the North ... Paul Keating, “Morrison is making an enemy of China – and Labor is helping him”, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 2021: . [39]. An FTA with the UK has the potential to deepen our trade and investment relationship for the benefit of Australian businesses and consumers. Other countries may follow Australia’s despicable and threatening example. The Americans might argue that they were compelled to develop nuclear weapons first out of fear that genocidally racist Nazi Germany would do so. While the incompetent, racist, mendacious, war criminal, climate criminal and US lackey Australian Coalition Government seeks to gain US and electoral support from its China-bashing, the Americans are quite realistic and are reported to be picking up the China trade squandered by Australia [43]. More genocidally racist White Anglosphere “gun boat” domination of Asia. In 2019-20, two-way goods and services trade was valued at $36.7 billion, making the UK Australia’s fifth-largest trading partner. However the rejoinder is that nuclear power stations and nuclear-powered submarines are only “safe” until they appallingly cease being so, as for example with Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Fukushima and  numerous US and Russian nuclear submarine disasters [7]. Japan and the European colonial powers have been defeated,  leaving only the US as an aggressive and nuclear-armed non-Indigenous interloper in the Pacific. • UK exports of goods and services to China were worth £30.7 billion, a record high, up from £23.4 billion in 2018.  Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities  in which 40 million Asians have been killed by violence and war-imposed deprivation – a massive crime against Humanity that quantitatively must be compared with (deaths from violence and deprivation in brackets in millions, M) the Black Death (75-200M), the Mongol invasions (40-60M), the European slave trade (20M), genocidal European colonialism in the Americas (100M), the 2-century British-imposed Indian Holocaust (1,800M) and Chinese Holocaust (100M), WW1 (40M), 1918-1919 influenza pandemic (50-100M), Stalinist crimes (20M), WW2 ( 80M)  including  the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6M),  the WW2 European Holocaust (30M), the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40M), and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust  (6-7 M), 2001-2020 War on Terror (34M), and the Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust  (presently 7.5M per year and 1,500M  since 1950). This helped sustain total UK … Italy – $611m Italy exported weapon systems worth $611m in 2018. The AUKUS Alliance simply further locks a nuclear terrorist Australia into UK and US nuclear terrorism committed to mass murder of women and children. [38]. Accordingly a presently US lackey Australia will even more fervently support US interests  against Australian  interests. Australia took the record for the longest run of uninterrupted GDP growth in the developed world with the March 2017 financial … 1.4 A fair … Italian arms exports in 2018 … Brazil is reportedly in talks to up its poultry exports to the UK, with the suggestion a deal will ease supply constraints amid a labour shortage affecting processors. Thus Australia is among world leaders in climate criminality  in 16 areas, and by failing to put  proper price on carbon pollution [37] is heavily subsiding  the Australian economy and Australian exports in particular. Gideon Polya, “Australia rejects IMF Carbon Tax & preventing 4 million pollution deaths by 2030”, Countercurrents,  15 October 2019: . Found inside – Page 251IMPORTS AND EXPORTS OF MERCHANDISE - Continued . ... 952 3 , 102 2,019 4,937 75 618 20 1,098 70 38 , 395 119 , 056 987 , 829 178 150 Total Cigarettes , exported toChina . Australia . Japan France . Spain ...... United Kingdom .