with covcreTBox. Special concessions Weekly Visitors. RATF TTRMi 'Phon» 21 Reservations, Ï.ÎRAEM5R-Spacious sunny verandahs lit"e JJ comfuitable moms excellent cuisine C"ntial pnsHlon Phone 75 .nrln»wood tits IRFtANr», C'aHlHON opposite station Pari Road-Comfort, > able Accommodation good table nice grounds etc handy tennis Rln7 58 Bpilngwnod_ f ASK foi an Ideal holiday Loy civ cool gardci. lVh'RVIEW. différent personl Big Dipper Ghosi Train Tumble Bug Hey De> R|vei Cite" Funnyland -thrills »nd fun of »11. _3017. 11,15334-5. ¡I.A1811. sci-cwciittlu., hollow, gup. AVc5lln_hou.sc B h.p. Iouicr roller cm tams, CHEVROLFT 1927 Utility Irurk good mechanical, order special body suit builder nolntcr Apply Wm Brown 5C4 Dm ling St Rozelle W178B, C' (HEVHOLET 1934 MAST UR SEDAN also MORRIS, / COMMERCIAL 20cvvt PANEL VAN 1933 In good order Rim, Mro21_. Found inside – Page xiii[ 902 ] Broadhurst , M. G. , Gardener's Cottage , Honingham Hall Estate , Honingham , Norwich , Norfolk . ... [ 864 ] Clébert , J. P. , Bonnieux , Vaucluse , France . [ 759 ] Cobb , Thomas , c / o Dr. A. Goskoviv , Proletevski Brigada ... In T.asmnla Mall Oonlrjclnr deceased.-Pur -unnt to an Order nf th" Supreme Co"rt of Tas- mania d*t»rt the T3rd da« "f .P'lv 1937 in the mailer of the TJstRtc. Lawso Secr»tqrv. 1.51 .list--; ..i. se.ld Accounts be not objected to the same, will be examined bv me end passed »coordine to I l«w. SAWS' Circular, Hann, Frame, and Band. W. H. HILL. LU160-. opposite Hyde Park, 273 Elizabeth St, Sydney. 35/. TA'PES. Caidei FLAT la Icautlful view com! J1NKS1DE, Bundanoon.-High-class Guest House, _ new, modern brick building, adjoining Terry's Onlf Unka. 1928". 'cn.-In the Estate ot ROBERT .IAME8 GOODWIN late of "Ermelo" Bin- gara in the State of New South Wales Greater de- ceased.-Application will be made arter fourteen days from the publlc?tion hereof that Probat« of the last Will and Testament dated the tenth day of April one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven of the abovenamed deceased mav be granted to WILLIAM HUGH McKID and ALEXANDER HUGH McKID the Executors named in the said Will, nnd Hil notices may be served at tho undermentioned addtess. Exceptionally fine swimming pool. ._. town In the State of N'w Soutli Wales Widow riece^«pd- »oplle-'lnn will b' insde rffr fnif. hereby elvcn, Third Accounts In the above Rítate have been filed in mv office Suprcmr Court ,_, . onie«, on or before the 17th day of.December next' _t 10.30 o'clock In the. f i EMONA Guest House. CHEVROLLT 1930 Standard Sedan perfect order, CIIEVROLLT 193C Coupe Utility perfect order. In good order. £215 .S_R X. 1935 model, black . Y4677 CROYDON.-Clean Cottage. .". TEAVALA Tree Jack, lift 8 tons, complet»,' With I 6tt_Sj_ear_^__od order, £0/10/. R- .T. Found inside – Page 11The men from the sowing , and afterwards at intervals of from seven to who collect Truffles for Covent Garden obtain ... a species conAccording to another account , the Department of Vaucluse sidered in France as of far less value than ... rooms kitchen back verandah all conveniences 6 minutes to station 30/ a week J R STEWART Estate Agent PUNCHBOWL ULlrOO_, MCDONALD and CO King s Cross Phone F2260 DARLINGHURST RD opposite SPRINGFIELD AVE 1 PETERSHAM 143 New Canterbury Road-Loik up, - SHOP with 2 rooms above double display win dows ice houses double garage £2 per week Apply PERPFTUAL TRUSTED COMPANY (LIMITEDl B0377_33 30 Hunter Street_'Q2>, Shop and Dwelling 5 rooms kitchen etc C PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY (LIMITED), 1> CSijVILLE -Attractive Modern Cottage 4 xoouvs > and office 2 verandahs garage £2/5/, 1» YDE VVLèjI - lo Leas» big Hall heart shopping V centre good connection living quartcis £2/10/ v e°l suitable at ctlon sales Brown As-nt Rvde 218, I^TOSEVILLt -Delightful Dirk Brick Bungalow^ X 4 looms gara"c 10 minutes station £2/5/ _PRUDENTIAL Roses »le 130Bj, 1JCSEVILLE-Attractive vision r-a.kra_Fjo.rist I Ibrarv Rln_U3217 ¿JHCP and~DÏcillnt, Bondi Road 45/ J Gtggle O 1 10 Fondl Road rW1128_ L'iRVlC^ SIATION-I have L^nd suitable Tflthln Ö cits area, and will built for rood tenant O KFS-SCN 92b Pitt Stlc¿t^R^__UJJ316_ prjvote Sfc, business Klceino and Mi rrav Double Bav rvl480a CjHÔêS ROÍ AL AROADL ^HOPS O Rents £4 and 65/ per wael Room 10/(200») R E I OVE Managing A~»nt 3rd floor M3442 rüñj.-Fitted lor BUTCHLR, Rent only .>a/ Snrn _ly^ll i HOP at Aiihuin In uood position In thb bu^y O centre Phone UX7066 .-",-,» Pnamt hatiL^ anl SONS at Stptlon AUBURN ctHOP and D"vrliin" RCSEBEH.Y suitable Ham C5 and Beef Cakes ct, rent £3/5/ per week, PIVNEY S R-EAtTY CO 203 Oartleners Rd Mr- Jil S~HO P and KLSIDLNcT Main Shopping Bloc, PARKIT^ KAY and CO PO Chambers BURWOOD kJdRRY HILLS 5 7 riley btreet -House 4. loom» O Htchcn electric llsht Rrs stove £1 Keys529 FERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY (LIMTIFD), CHOP-aTicTDWFLl IHG KENSINO1 ON fe 2"0 Anzac Parade £2/10/, njj^jgiitiia^Biintlliig. Australian Currency. Swimming, billiards, cream, eggs, poultry, vegetables, from own farm, dancing, picnic trips, bonfires, etc. Tuo«day 7 45 The Word of the Loid Wednesday 2pm Women's M»rt)ng Thursday 7 45 Led bv Witnesses_ BURWOOD - Women s Intel denominational Intci, cessorv Service Second Advent Meeting St Pauls Parish Hall 2 till 4 pm Wednesday loth Nov Speakers Revs J Douglas Mill D I KnoN, Catholic Regrnt Street Sydney-10 30 Choral Eucharist 1140 Question Session " Vespers Ad- dress B»iiedlrt'o'i, meet In the GOSPFL HALL 29 Goulburn Sticel, 715 p m Gospel Messrs A Grace R Woodlands, CHRISTS Bietliren Public Address 7 pm 2nd, rloor Rawson Obrmbcrs 491 Pitt Street I Sublect WISDOMS SrVFT. Price £13,1, or near oflrr. 1.M10B6. 1935, most biuullluify ap .> pnlntad. Top price». i | A UBURW.-Semi-detached Home, 5 rooms, con ; .-*. VA s.v., £7/10" Dou.las 1978 2V< Tain, s.v.. £6/10/; B.S.A. the undermen- tioned Address All crcdltois In the EsttUo.oI the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned. Centrally situated and within easy walking dis- tance of all sporting facilities. Tariff fiom 32/6. 1937. ilpily MalnliiiMice ana Guai li. rrmrla) 2 Saturrtpv ?/«1, All fares include first class hotel accommodation, Corstal Route rnd the Jacarandas 4 aay tour rierv Saturdaj £8/5/, BRISBANE 14 dpv" Round Tour with one week s, BRISBANE via New England Highway 3 day Tour, MCLBOURNU ila Coastal Highway 4 dcy3 Tour, CANBERRA and ARALUl N \ ALLEY 3 days Tour, COAST 10 days Tour *-12/15/ lncluslie Weel end Tours to Kangaroo Valley Jervis Bav South Coast leave Sidney every Saturday at 9 - - £2/19/6 inclusive, New South Wales Government Tourist Bureau, Sydney Sights and Beaches 0/7 Manly Middle Harbour Taronga Zoo 7/0 Koala Park 10/ Palm Beach 12/o Bulli Pass Sublime Point Aquaflora Park, National Park 15/ Kuring gai Chase and Koala Park 15/, B-ronrn Hawl esbury River Koala Park 23/0 Katoomba Blue Mountains 25/ Sidney Burragorang Volley Slnsle 15/, Sydney Jervis Bay single 22/B Return 43/fl Jenolon Cavc3 ^i daj" Stay at Caves House) 72/8 Sydney Cooma Nowra (rall and motoi) 76/, For particular* of other short excursions and Regul-r Tourist Sei vices sec Amusements Column, KOALA PARK li WEDNESDAY BULLI PASS NATIONAL, TAINS 2: SYDNEY SIGHTS AND BEACHES I SUNDAY JENOLAN CAVES (1 DAY TOUR) 31, BULLI PASS NATIONAL PARK 1! OF, riiRACTOR-, TJIescl and-Pctröl~Cra'.iêr" typr. "OUTLAWS OF THE ORIENT"-NEW LYRIC, 11, 2, S, 8! Blacksmiths, Boilermakers. cheap 14 Llew-. A glorious tour, Including In this illnerat", throu'qh the heart of Euiope. Holidays planned, bookings arranged. First Saloon and. report. The Liner Is, your hotel Visiting Queensland porti and Rabaul, 'and A. Balmain, .._, RYING-ROOM, all Steel, Insulated, io x~io, ' 9. complete with Hcateis. Svrinav. BUNDANOON, 'rho Hotel of the J.V Southern Highlands. 17 f oierlooling Pcrslev Ba/ 1 or 2 bet1 non- h Icony loun-, tiled bathroom Itltchci Refrlgcrrtlin Garrgc available B a stops a -'--' RcntRls f-nm 5-1/ reek, Apply Box J57CC G V O for rppolntmcnt t Inspect rlnr. Cheap. PCliU -Ne lv i urn! blue lacquer and upholstery absolutely un marked and original cond tlon in eierv detail, 11 868 miles A most attractive car £90 deposit and easy terms Tasma Car Radio'at small extra, HINT BROS_PARRAMATTA UW8828 170RD A3 977 1937 TORD V8, Consult us before radlng in y out used Car, Having opened our Used Car division at Rockdale we requite stocl Highest volutions, In splendid condlton througiout Smoll mlleape nnd has, I ecu carefully driven Dt co, and Upholstery absolutely unmarl ed AVe will give a written gturanteed on this car, r..">ORD 8 h p 1934 MODUL FNGLISH DE LUXE J1 4 DOOR SALOON, This car cannot bo di tlnguisl ed from new has only done 12 703 miles cn lue perfect ft. 1 sticam line model does io miles to gallon o iglnal blue d ico tvrcs upholsteiy leather etc unmarked am ti lal oi Insp.ctloi £165 Easy terms oi trade in O vner "> Abare Idle St Pul vlch Hill Pet 2077 |. Stnnd any ln, ClilUDSON, 1927, .-settler Sedan, good running 'Äorder, long registration. _ ___ (CATERPILLAR TRACK-TYPE TRACTORS. For holiday suggestions, literature, or bookings write Tourist Bureau, Nowra; or inquire al Bligh's. oHextrns,. traded: Rny trial Is Invited, bul. ARD CASH BUYERS for Electric Motors IT Dynamos and Swltchboaros O DONNELL ORH-FriN and CO LTD 53 Druitt Street, W/ANjiD Electric Drill and Hectrlc Grinder for It 110 volts A E GOODWIN LTD HaUway Parade Lidcombe Phone UX7463, TED Delco House Lighting Set must b« good ordei cheap "hone FX3148_, I Toy o line» (annul 12 words' 2/ Saturday j R I I^LMCO DEMCO DEMCO J-J VERTICAL MILLS HORIZONTAL MILLS, SECURE YOUR MACHINES NOW EASY TERMS TO SUIT YOU, SEE OUR N'EAVEST ARRIVAL A\ ORKING-Tool mal er s Motoilsed Norton Chanfcc Taper Turning Super Accurate Lathes Sin to 15in centres beds up to 20ft long, WE STOCK NEW COLCHESTER ENGINF LATHES AND CHAS T/1LOR CAPSTAN LATHES AND MILLERS ST ANLEY ENGINE LATHES SNOW SHEFFIELD GRINDFHS ADCOCK SHIP- LEY HIGH SPEFD DRILLING MACHINES, SUPER SPPED TURRET LATHES FINE BOR- ING MACHINES HADFAULIC HONING MACH- INES HORIZONTAL BORING MILLING AND FACING MACHINES SUPER SPEED UNIVERSAL MILLERS RADIAL DRILLS FOR HIGHEST SPEEDS AND GREATEST PENETRATION UNI- VERSAL AND PLAIN MILLFrS MOTORISED, REBUILT TURRIT LATHES from stock te-kpi bars 1--Mu PRATT and AVH1TNEY 1'nln ¿in WARDS l'jin HERBERTS l'jln POLLOCK and MCNAB l'/jln 2ln and Tin HEINEMANN BALL BEARING HIGH SPEED SUPER TURRET, DEMCO 3ln SCRrvA CUTTING LATHES British, made Suitable foi home craftsmen and model makers Amazing valu» Back geared £13/10 Ungeaied £10/10/, Sale Hollow spindle 14ln centres swings 56in x 12ft and 14« gap beds Prices right Inspect, llln centies vee bed 10ft bed Immediate delivery, centies New shipments now in stock DEMCO MACHINERY CO PTY LTD, ENGINEER S SUPPLIES. 'ik of New Soul* Wales Building, g».,,-.. rr)fi Wvnv-rd strrtt». avallaole lor "relaying Riftl '!. 'Phone. Terms. lAust.). In U.S.A 1. Sessions 10 55 2 5 8 Trom 1/ rt 10 55-less ctowded too With Leslie Banks Henry Fonda John Mccormack G B D attraction Plus brilliant associate Comedy, EVERYBODY DANCC -CICELY COURTNEIDGE and ERNEST TRUEX G B D, Pinna at Embays Castlereagh Street opposite D«.vld Jonc M5797 and State Booking Bureau Essie Murloon 3 Embassy Trio and Tox AUot News Complete Show for General Exhibition, With Vivien Leigh in the Gicptest Spy story ever wilttcn He was head of the worlds finest espionage system She nu3 a woman »hose Ups 1 Isscd but nescr told yet, With Tom Bur^e-World famous Tenor (General Exhibition), cesstons 10 50 i 5 and 8 Phone MA2696 or MA48o7 Plans Lyceum and State Bureau Listen in lo Union Theatres on Paiade every Sunday evening at 0 30-on Station 2UW. ', \ LfcXANDlUA, 1B2 Mitchell Rd.-House. You can pick up supplies at nearby supermarkets in Rose Bay. 20 Ouf «?'? Í934'-Í935, MAC, 111: ^ELOCETTE. Comprcsjdi, in per .tI feet order. FILMÓOS, swimming TENNIS RIDING electricity sewerage Motor Boals nnd Skills No Xmas, TARITT £3/7/ weet ly 12/ dallv PEDTRSEN and MOSS (late Jacob Ellmoos» Phone Wandanlan, «USSEX INLET-Cottages to let with boats (,ood J fishing No Xmas now and «ftei, _ Cottages situated between St George s Basin and Entrance also un-lo date Gue'I Hou«e Flectrle I Iaht Tennis LW7770, In your own lnteie-ts SEE HOTEI IMPFRIA1 Kings Cross oi wiltc Managei brfore deciding Room and breakfast finm 7/B Iniliislie from 10, Handy surf spacious verandahs riding lennis dancing close golf links Booked out for Xmas Terms on annllratlon_Mrs T WATKINS, One minute suif and lake lennis riding dancing handy golf links excellent cuisine C Huntingdon Proprietor Phone 27 oi Reynolds 14a Martin Place (No Vacancies Xmas oi New Yeal week-end» _, M; ANT ED at Terrigal Private Board foi two, adults two children 13 Bnd 10 yeal s two oi three weeks after Xmas Apply Hannons 134, ÍjtOR C eanest and 3-..1 CottaRcs oi Accommoda, I_>l..CH HOUSE at be icn -Ouesls lennis danc _J lug rldlni, handy tolf links garage sewerage Ililli 110 Moderate Tarin A WINN, MWIHROUL at beach -S°lf contained furnished J. rlat New v Ocean ~', rpo LET furnished Cottage Lookout St B minutes, Sill I Um J I O DONOHUE BULTI Phone 185 min nul_, model afe N ale Ul 2J"7 Col tate electric bl mas Vi utlian 40 Obcion St Randwlil, A 1 I NIR/iNCE-Colin cs boats electric close, Al LMRANCL-Land I ui nish c Cottage C \ __ C "1 T tal» Aient_Tele 7_ li Emmie end lei. Price» from £79/10/1 PASY TERMS I Ti ade In vonr Blcvclel, 17 15 vyento'r.rHi Av»nu» SYDNF1 _ BENTWOOD RELIABLE USED MOTOR CYrr^rgi, B and W Wasn 1937 1 25 electric £34/10/ Piamls Rernctt 1075 2 strol e electric £4//10/ BSA mas 1 <"l ohv electric £'8, BSA 1038 2 49 nhv electric £54/10/ BSA 1910 3'j ohv Sloper eleetrli '.sa/ZIo BSA 1978 500 ohv Empire Star dec, Roval rnflclt) 1975 7>. thev shell think fit ob]cei llidem "therwl'e If the "aid accounts he not obtccrcil tri ihe s^me will a; 'Romlned by nie and paiseii »coordln. Most people find it easier to include this call at the beggining of every communication so they don't have to worry if their session is still valid. X.812, AT RITZ UOT__. Christian J______J7___! "1,1ntl JO»N^ON LTD 117, ( I'^Ji'S'P'1 NATIONAL 19-8""TOURLR in c.cep _¿ei.in. IELD HEIGHTS-New Bunralow 5 rooms 1 lichen large verendah 45/ HOMEBUSH Mackemie stre-t Modern Brie! Will toke trade-in. SYOKSY. 6 wir» wh»»l, Wa i in eii-rpl nlhai par« rs riepoell or In '.'? Found inside – Page 423Magnolia delavayi is growing against the wall at the far end . hen struggling with a garden in the search he chose a little known area in the British Isles , with its unpredic- Vaucluse between Avignon and Apt where table and inclement ... Estimates given. seeking one of those vciv scarce Injury fin Is at, noderat' rental of £4/4 Inspect No 7 Lilllngr eoiie ne t "ill Saints Clinch Ocern Street 0»-tier there all «j__^___._D_SCOTT and CO rvllOtl r^LÎZABLTH BAY POT rS IOIN1 ME-DON lil A FURNISHED TLA1, lhls Is a comfoi table mot ern homely flat llv, Ins loom dining room 2 larne bedroom, 2 vei endahs bathroom maid, loom end bath Nicely furnlsb»d ample linen cutlery crocl eiv etc tnietakei Mrndon off Grccnknoive Aie FL22J5 or R A G Ar F r Hunter Stre»t P3997 B404.B |^T_Äffi-H~BÄ- anti POINT. fits, from £5. Brand new, . _ LrtTHc liln, C.S.S.S.. 20fl bed. BBLTIHG- Rubber, Balala. '; Ilmbc. Swimming Pool views, MANLi Tremore 84 Dailey Road YU3U06-Idcul, Home elevated position handj wharf beach larte grounds tennis ping pong wireless sunny balcnnv rooms guests laundry excellent c ilslnc MANLY WOLSIEY and STAMFORD HALL, Select Guest House Stuart Avenue racing Har bour Excellent Accommodation Beautifully fur nlshed rooms Splendid Menu YUlf57, Esplanade opposite whait and sharkproof pool -Double and Single Balcony Rooms Cood table I aundry Tele YU1777_, ...TH SYDNEY 52 Lavender St-Quiet select single 8/6 front bed sitting 12/6_, Sitting Room refined at station 15/ 104 Bay Rd, VTEUTRAL BAY 12 Ben Boyd Rd -Private ( LA House 3 mintirs ferry Vacancies X1119, '? of WILLIAM WRIGHT WILLIAMS late of Sydn.y In the State of New Routh Wales, Company Director dtccR.sed.-Notlee Is hereby niven that the Sscond Accounts in the above Estate have, this day. 55/ to 63/ weekly._ AT NORTH SYDNEY, 8 BERRY ST. New Zeabnd will satisfy them. MAUND and KELYNACK Solicitor? Omits: Gibraltar and Plymouth, f Bombay, g Tanglei. 177 Elisabeth St (near David Jones 1 M6209. Urban Committee. L_q_4.__ XJORTONS 121, O.H.Vs., cheap, at Wentworth ' :? V./ Ground and Mezzanine Floor. Herald. Book online or call the National Parks Contact Centre on 1300 072 757. CHAS. accommodation Ballroom hot walci eirry on n Mluated centre of city l8 garages Tariff 11 cr r-n PO Box o Pinn« Bal 12, Pt »(Tv MF M H Collaro 2 minulps stntlon Homr, * conkin- 37 6 Phone B H 97 iMrs Holmasi PLACKHr-Ani-îairn cream milk homely mo XJ derate Tele 32 Mrs Fraser Clarence Rd, L-i^AUvHttATH Braemar Station St-Home nom J-' hone Mis Bostock T 131 37/6 week 7/ day h'LACivHLAih-lurmshed Cottage vacant now, no Xmrr 30/ 1 Way St Tempe Ph __L2j04 L.¡LACKHüVeH-ï urmshed Cottage eve y con _ ycnlcnce garage No Xmas 1X121«, I ¿1 ACKttcAtH Glcnessiin-Good Aceommodatlon ' » Central Moderate Tele 46 Mrs Shayler, 3JLACKHLATH-Clean furnished Cottage garage J near station and pool no Xmas X3013, hiLAOKHEAlH-Clean luinished Cottage vacant . uedrooms etc Refrigeration Uno leums blinds 40/ Managing Agents, 1 J HOOKIR PTY LTD Kcnafnctnn FX4419 CENSING TON SOUTH -Superb Double fronted 'V Flats on sunny comer Refrigeration Uno leum« blinds 40/ L J HOOKER PTY LTD Managing Agents 301 An7nc Pdc Kl-i»rfntd I 11B6B T^ING&IORD- NEW ILA IS 1 beril oom and sleep «» Ins; porch refrigeration linoleums blinds Only I /6 L J HOOKLR PTY LTD J91 Anzac Parade Kingsford FTIBBB_ triRRIBILLI-Beautiful Garden Flat situated In vm isl / S tiirdey 2/f 1 ALUMINIUM Brass Copper Brass lurnin,,!, Residues PEARSON 361 Crown Street Surry Hills 11172 _ ALL GOLD Jewellcty Diamond Goods purchased, at the Rdvanc»d highest prices Sovereigns' bought S A Scott Sa6 O'oier St near Bathurst St A BUYER of Ladies Gentlemen and Chitaren c, Left of! care and attention in atmosphere of private home, BONDI-Good board mid residence one minute, tram anil suif Bll'lards piano hot water service Undci new man gement Apply 9 Or mond Street off sir Thomas Mitchell Road Phone FM2170 ___________________, situated In beautiful grounds Double and Single Rooms Hot and cold water Moderate tariff Insnerttor welcomed Particulars Phone T271B L>0ND1 BLACK NORTH-Tirrana Private Hotel, J 68 Ramsgate Ave Ideal for visitors 40 rooms 40 bathrooms 40 yards from surf Lounges and bil Hards contlnous hot water Excellent cuisine Apart ments and Breakfast or Full Board 1 minute tram Terms on application, Pxcluslvc Guest Ho se overlool inpt Park Convenient to Beach anrt Gol! (. 1 bcdioom, slttlng-ioom, verandah, sham kitchen, bathroom. Finest mountain views, waterfalls, and hikes In the Commonwealth. loie me at my dald outee on or bcioie lue sixteenth cay of Dru muer 1037, at 12.15 o'clocV in tne aliurnoon »nd inspect ino samo and If they shall think ht object thereto; otherwise It the said account.5 be not obJc;ted to, the same «ill be examined by me »nd passed cCcoioln^ to law. All Steamship and Air Llnc3. With KLIZABETH WELCH-ROY EMERTON-ELBON H RA NT. Hobart Tasmania their full christian «md aurn"m'>s. _Apply 9.1 Annanrialc 3ti aal. tarin». In flrst-nlass order. registered, £Ï2VT. Services i. X The Illawarra Tourist Bureau Is maintained by local Shire and Municipal Councils for the purpose of supplying tourists and others with full and free information regarding the resources, In- dustries, and pleasure resorts of the Illawarra the beautiful South Coust district extending south- wards from Stanwell Park to Gerringong. id THE 3U1HÜSM1S COURT OF NEV/ SOUTH J- WALES.-Probate jurisdiction.-In the Will and Codicil of ANGELA COSTA late of Dulwich Hill. »lao. ARMISTICE DAY SERVICF Attended by Girls from lort Street High School Continuing'hi. IA Bul »nod Road _».____. l_HO"E Finishing Machinât "working older'.' J .ood also upholstery, registered Scptcmbi-r, 1938. Handv tram. Found inside – Page 83... Nathalie Sarraute , the writer , and her husband , Raymond , in a gardener's cottage in the Chevreuse valley . ... Beckett and Suzanne made their way to the Vaucluse area and the village of Roussillon d'Apt , some six miles from Apt ... Famous for surfing beoUi sTlmmlng pool end delightful lourM district Ierrl*s from No 2 Telly Circulai Oirv ! £15 deposit. Play. 141 Willison Rd, Carlton", I lu.Il «mel lean sourer íeglstered ready for lu long Jour ley ''.4/10/ li Rome St, Cantcr. CROYDON.-0 looms and kitchen. D-nphcmmcr. Cui lou ibis Accommodation good table t..n .... HdiiiG boating billiards íadlo, electilc Ugh! 1 .DICK LIGHT 6 1926 4-door SEDAN. boat Mr Mancille l_ic_raii! STANDARD 1933 Saloon .... . eleclllc £89 Pa.THrR 197- 4'. .ITTINGS In Bro.s i"»n, Lead. "J- dicky scat motor recently reborcd 27cwt £30 Di posit 155 Bouike Street FL2933_, MORRIS Panel Von square radiator milk de-, livery 10 months registration or exchange for Road ter Car cheap 6086 Herald_ MORRIS COWLLY U2J Tourer li 32 lip me, chonlcnlly perfect £48 for a quick sale 182 Lev. fTHROfinn^HfCKHirCADrTlUM, Plating. Paris, Berlin, etc., and LONDON, and a Motor, Tour" through Devon, Cornwall, and the Southern, Counties, nil "Extras" and TIPS and FIRST, MIGHT TRAVEL, and the Tour is conducted from, [ Australia by Is. Apply S i Dire" n Dcl!vvoodJPpJnt_CiHi--,-¡, or rcasonable_on>r_Sí33^~TT^r.--¡rrññ-/ -TrTrrD^rc^NOËril'' Bln canpl bulld £4/lu/, Manufacturers of Marine Fnfines V Drives Reverse Gear« and a complete ranse of Marine rittinrs Our 3 and 6 hp Models are available for immediate delivery, For Reliable Vlbr&Uonless and Economical Run nlng a Tasman Motor Is the nick Comerted 4, cylinder Ted beal and I vcomlng Fours Sixes and lights provide unequalled value for a power plant 'or sour Cruiser oi Speedboat, Sme Money and buy direct from the mrnufac turor Fasy lcrms aunnged Trade in En glnes 12 h p two cylinder Primer Marine En- gines utth Reverse Gear Dual Ignition, _191 Flitaoeih Stritt Wateitoo _MX138p_ I^ORIY FOO! (N.V. Konlnklljke Paketvaarf MaatschapplJ). speedo. I DC LUXE lOUULR Light 6 lst V- clnss condition orb Innl blue duco roller blinds long regKtrnlion any trial £95 Ensy terms Trade in 550 New Cintcrbury Road, C1HEVROLLT 193b Sedan with built In ti unit, / leather upholstery well shod and registered, CH1VROLLT louicis choice of two best Chev, rolols in Sydney Both hive done small mile, nges and In perfect order Absolutely any trial or examination S K models £50 and £55 Terms, C1HEVROLEI 1932 Tourer registered 12 months, tood tyres synchro mesh gears free wheeling niechnnlcally perfect chanco T.o sccuie excellent touicr at ridiculous price £135 Terms arranged If required X0550_ CIHEVIIOLET 1928 MODEL 4-speed gearbox Good, L5068 164 Pnrronia.qi Rd Cnmnerdoi n L50B8 ( (HEVROLBT 1030 TRUNK SEDAN DE LUXE V. £235 (terms privately» One must see this car to appreciate how good It Is Completo with WIRE LESS 6 WHEELS etc Spotless Must sell Owner at Cotswold corner Rawson Rd and New South Hood Rd Rose Bay FU7812_ rUIFVUOLET DE LUXE BUSINESS SEDAN V- Popular CAPITOL MODEL Olio owner since new Original duco and upholstery unmarked Good tyresi-ttglstcied £77/10/ Terms or trade 'n 550 New Cantcibury Rond Dulwich Hill, . IN THE. Avr_n__»._MA4137._. St Glenesk -Comfoitablc TUI «»? Noith Sydney_X1204 CF C1' c, CxiTk -l lats also Double and Single Roomj, dry close to ever thin" 4 nrt rq Mount St ( lOOGi'L -Comfortable Hat i lane rooms lui _1 lichen b-ach 17 McLcod s FX39C4, lOOOTE - Cotisée liât 2 bedroom, ccnual posl, lion 7n/6 Country Atenrv Cooccc FT17U4 IITY oeiboinc 1"4 Phillip St near King St, - 1-urnlshcd Seivlee Flat select Phone B12J9, 100GLF BEACH - Niclv furnisned "aiden I lat, nTY I oomy cnmlort ible elf contained 11-t, SOMrRVILlF and CO FASTWOnO Eonlng 178 ( VREMOHN. Apply Beames, 59 Deewhy Parade, Deewhy, Y87R7,_, \ NDERSON'S Coitngco, on andmon Beach, boals. A.1'. SACRIFICE PRICES. rardens veil appointed 1 lichen end bathroom, Wc aLo baie a lane UNIIIRNISHCD TLA1 cvullrlllc MODERATE HIT1TALS, Apply E MYERSON Cltv Mutual Hie Building Hunter Bligh and Castlcrea li Streets B6051 Or Curta! ~\ I /iNTtD oiudcbal ei Ronilstci Coupe or Sedan, ' ' my rnlel leger 39 Irvine Street Kln-sford. Hot water ser- vice, electric, llclit. nshlp of Intents Act 1J1« and tie Tru.toe Ac' 1035 Notice li h't-bv giv n hat every uedi1.. oi uihei person h-nhif anv tltbt or claim upon or eflectlni; Ihe ¡"Mate cf Hie abovenamed oeceescd wno di»d on oi thorn, the "Hil day of luiv i 1931 and Pronate o! Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: $4 per hour, to a maximum of $20 per day. Westpid Wheal puller, Pftliih Truck. R, Birren ART, Re.istr, WALLS.-Probate Juiisdlction.-In rue Will ni C'HARLcâ AUauóT PiiT&RSOol lal« of Uoiaul in tile state of Iscw South Wales Retiren Fanner t'.ii ceasco.-Notice Is hueby filvm that the First Accounts In the above Lsintu have this djy bccen ulan In my oitlce, Sydney,, and «li persons having leny inlcii'H in the said Sstate may,come In b£>. on premises 1L17(9_ pOTTS POINT TUSCULUM STREET ? 11,. - £8/10/; 'A h.P" 240V., Single-phase. 908, rT'HOllN .crOTT toi Al model tabletop lill I x r t Gin with drop sides cood pneumatic tyre two rear now bink"s Just icllncd M chanl, rolly excellent rrndi for Iminodlr te service Offoror, t s cclnl price foi quick sale HIPBI""v.S 17 \ 1IMIT1D 27 17 Palmor . PNEUMATIC TOOL- I and Samson Spray und Palmins Equipment, .iow.,i , Bayley'« Stainless St.el and _:rm_brl_ht » i. from £2/5/, CUiAl&IEUT.E closed ciuring Extensions and Re, ' furnishing Reopening November 12 Xmas tariff £2/10/ M HODSON Fat 708 _ f iLOUDLANDS Lurline St Katoomba Ih» holiday v. Home Umlvollcd menu afternoon tea fires hot water service bl'llards everv comfort pcisonal «er Ice Tariff £2/2/ Kat 505 Mrs Mitchelton. MRrrlrkvllle._. ' FL4141._f_, pnOClCAVAY Truck. £110 .25° Y° Sctlnn. TY-SPXL. First Class Only. !. | One of th» largest and most comolele slocks ol i up-to-date MACHINERY In Australia, boin NE. Heldelbfrg, The Rhine. Con- note Sairows. 'eil-,, l'lt, li line» Cr »ni! F3337_ fiROYDON b Minutes to Station-Brick Cottoge V-i 8 rooms kltchei and offices large enclosed sleep out shed to hold 2 cars A rood home 45/ or near EARLWOOD Modern Cottage 4 main roomc Htchen etc enclosed sleep out e/ara-e 37/6 J B Thomas Co Pty ltd Ashfield U3744 CITi Chance of n lifetime for o good Dentist 4, large rooms with gas and water laid on with plate glass show windows on first Hool facing Woolsvorths and Coles In Ovford Street at tram and bU3 Hop oi suit other business Applj on premises 12 Oxford Street city_ CLUB or Professional Rooms ground flooi, 3, lounge 2 bedrooms kitchen hot water si eil lumlshed Suit bridge or social club oin entrance Exclusive address Car parking Will alter for suit- able tenant Springfield House Springfield Avenue King s Cross FI4849_ r siTY -A Well llohtcd SHOWROOM in best a- pc-ltlnn in \ORK STREET Area 3700 SQUARE, f-'LARKNCE STREET REIJ-ANCE HOUSE v_ Libellent WAREHOUSF Space, Cits Mutual Building Hunter and Blich Streets, Ground Floor Self-contained, with separate stieet entrance, Approximately 700 square feet Moderate Rental, DULWICH HILL-Nice Cottage every convenience, garage 32/H Apply 1 Canonbury Grove_ DARLINGHURöl -1 rooms and kitchen bath and, laundry clcctiic light Thoroughly renovated 30/ 38 BROUGHAM STREET_ ¡"»ARLINGTON-BRICK COITAGL 2 rooms kit J-' chen laundry and bath electric light etc 15/ Apply 50 ALMA STREET_ DOUBLE BAY -Modern Unlurn shed Bungalow, 50/ 3 bedrooms 2 living rooms cxcclent ordci KLT3EM.O and MURRAY Double Bay FM4B05, Parramatta River 6 rooms Garage Close to tiam and boat Best position Term 15 months Rent £4 CLUBB and HIPBLE 128 Weston Rd Balmain DULWICH HILL-Doublc lrontcd Weatherboard, Cottage 3 rooms kitchen In clean condition electric light novvei fuel stove good gas stove £1 lo tenant in good work 1)114 Herald_ IIRUMMO^NL 172 Victoria Road In shopping IJ centre -SHOP with double display windows »nd dwelling 5 rooms kitchen enclosed balcony, CERFETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY (LIMITEDl B0377 33 39 Hunter Street (Oil, bedrooms lounge dining room breakfast-room and kitchen All modern conveniences Garase As liable fiom 15th Instant £2/7/6 per week, Premises contclnlr" 1000 sq feet Suitable rULK STORE or Small Manufactuiei Rent 35/ veek rurthcr parttculais, 'I "kL LUXE HOUSt 2b7 2o9 Elizabeth Stieet cltj XJ 750 square feet on fourth floor, Al o laigc basement Apply for Inspection to, DARLING FOIN 1-Gentleman s Well-furnished, House 3 reception rooms 3 bedrooms 2 dress- ing rooms 2 maids rooms !